Poza Lara, Carlos

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Poza Lara



Derecho, Empresa y Gobierno



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Now showing 1 - 10 of 24
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    Una radiografía de la empresa española en Colombia.
    (Universidad Nebrija, 2015) Solana, Gonzalo; Poza Lara, Carlos
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    Measuring the circular economy in Europe: Big differences among countries, great opportunities to converge
    (Sustainable Development, 2024) poza; Claudio Quiroga, Gloria; Poza Lara, Carlos
    The main aim of this article is to analyze the circular economy (CE) transition of European countries between 2014 and 2021, using the European Commission approach of production and consumption, waste management, secondary raw materials, and competitiveness and innovation. To do so, we have built a multidimensional Circular Economy Index that classifies European countries according to their progress towards a circular economy. We used data from the Eurostat database and extracted all circular economy indicators for the EU27 countries plus Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Iceland. The time series starts in 2014 and ends in 2021 and we have used 15 variables grouped in four dimensions by means of a second order factor analysis with a Promax rotation. We have also applied a hierarchical cluster analysis to group countries by circular economy performance. Our results suggest an improvement in circular economy performance between 2014 and 2021 in Europe. We likewise find there is a ‘four-speed Europe’ in terms of a circular economy, highlighting the good results of the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and Belgium.
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    Una radiografía de la empresa española en México.
    (Universidad Nebrija, 2012) Poza Lara, Carlos
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    A proposal of a suspicion of tax fraud indicator based on Google trends to foresee Spanish tax revenues.
    (International Economics, 2022) Monge Moreno, Manuel; Poza Lara, Carlos; Borgia, Sofía
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    A real time leading economic indicator based on text mining for the Spanish economy. Fractional cointegration VAR and Continuous Wavelet Transform analysis.
    (International Economics, 2020) Monge Moreno, Manuel; Poza Lara, Carlos
    The main aim of this paper is to build a Real Time Leading Economic Indicator (RT-LEI) that improves Composite Leading Indicators (CLI)’s performance to anticipate GDP trends and turning points for the Spanish economy. The indicator has been constructed using a Factor Analysis and is composed of 21 variables concerning motor vehicle activity, financial activity, real estate activity, economic sentiment, and industrial sector. The data sources used are Google Trends and Thomson Reuters Eikon-Datastream. This work contributes to the literature, studying the dynamics of GDP, CLI and RT-LEI using Fractional Cointegration VAR (FCVAR model) and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) for its resolution. The results show that the model does not present mean reversion and it is expected the RT-LEI reveals a bear trend in the next two years, alike IMF and Consensus FUNCAS′ forecasts. The reasons are mostly associated with escalating global protectionism, uncertainty related to Catalonia and faster monetary policy normalization.
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    A Review of the Social Entrepreneurship Phenomenon.
    Silva, Andrea Carolina; Poza Lara, Carlos
    Entrepreneurship analyzes a very wide field of study and, at the same time, it converges with many topics, including the characteristics of entrepreneur, conditions that favor entrepreneurship, resources and funding sources, legislation, family businesses, succession protocols, learning and teaching of creating enterprise, and typologies of entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship is characterized by its input in creating value, and given the activities carried out by entrepreneurs, they have a big social impact, especially in communities and vulnerable groups but not exclusively, as many social entrepreneurial initiatives are forms of social benefit, and they do not circumscribe to particular conditions of vulnerability.
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    Labour market mismatches in G7 countries: a fractional integration approach.
    (Applied Economics, 2024) Gil Alana, Luis A.; González Blanch, María Jesús; Poza Lara, Carlos
    This paper examines the G7 labour market, analysing unemployment, job vacancies and the spread of both in terms of time series persistence from January 2002 to October 2023. Using fractional integration, we observe the series show long memory and persistence in all G7 countries. These findings differ slightly depending on the specification of the error term. If it is white noise, no evidence of mean reversion is found in any scenario except for US unemployment. With autocorrelated disturbances, mean reversion is found in unemployment rates in Canada, Germany, and the US. In France, this is the case for job vacancies, and in France and Italy, for spread. The UK is the only country that does not display any degree of reversion to the mean in the three series examined. Our results show evidence of a downward trend for unemployment and an upward trend for job vacancies in all G7 countries. Consequently, the reduction of the imbalance unemployment-vacancies seems permanent, which is a positive outcome for advanced economies.
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    Una radiografía de la empresa española en Brasil.
    (Universidad Nebrija, 2013) poza; Poza Lara, Carlos
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    Una radiografía de la empresa española en China.
    (Universidad Nebrija, 2008) Mateo, Patricia; Poza Lara, Carlos
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    The COVID-19 pandemic and the degree of persistence of US stock prices and bond yields.
    (The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2022) Caporale, Guglielmo Maria; Gil Alana, Luis A.; Poza Lara, Carlos
    This paper analyses the possible effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the degree of persistence of US monthly stock prices and bond yields using fractional integration techniques. The model is estimated first over the period January 1966-December 2020 and then a recursive approach is taken to examine whether or not persistence has changed during the following pandemic period (up to February 2021). We find that the unit root hypothesis cannot be rejected for stock prices while for bond yields the results differ depending on the maturity date and the specification of the error term. In general, bond yields appear to be more persistent, although there is evidence of mean reversion in case of 1-year yields under the assumption of autocorrelated errors. The recursive analysis shows no impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the persistence of stock prices, whilst there is an increase in the case of both 10- and 1- year bond yields but not of their spread.