González Iglesias, Sonia

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González Iglesias







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    Una mirada a la empresa desde la lógica del encuentro.
    (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2016) González Iglesias, Sonia; Sastre Jiménez, Antonio
    This article aims to illuminate the business reality from a broad and deep perspective, addressing both its immediate objective—to produce benefit, and its social mission— to contribute to the common good and generate personal and community development. We seek to do these without opposing but integrating both. The path that we propose for this is the following: first, to pause for a moment to ask who is the person—the one who creates the business system with others—what it needs for its development and growth, what is the logic of the human person. The next step will be, without losing sight of human nature, to ask ourselves about the company, what is it and to what is it called to be, what is the logic of benefit in which the majority is installed and compatible with the logic of the human person. And in light of these two steps, a third: to bring into dialogue—not in dialectics—both logics.