A mathematical analysis of an extended MHD Darcy–Forchheimer type fluid.

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Scientific Reports
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The presented analysis has the aim of introducing general properties of solutions to an Extended Darcy–Forchheimer flow. The Extended Darcy–Forchheimer set of equations are introduced based on mathematical principles. Firstly, the diffusion is formulated with a non-homogeneous operator, and is supported by the addition of a non-linear advection together with a non-uniform reaction term. The involved analysis is given in generalized Hilbert–Sobolev spaces to account for regularity, existence and uniqueness of solutions supported by the semi-group theory. Afterwards, oscillating patterns of Travelling wave solutions are analyzed inspired by a set of Lemmas focused on solutions instability. Based on this, the Geometric Perturbation Theory provides linearized flows for which the eigenvalues are provided in an homotopy representation, and hence, any exponential bundles of solutions by direct linear combination. In addition, a numerical exploration is developed to find exact Travelling waves profiles and to study zones where solutions are positive. It is shown that, in general, solutions are oscillating in the proximity of the null critical state. In addition, an inner region (inner as a contrast to an outer region where solutions oscillate) of positive solutions is shown to hold locally in time.

Doctoral program



