Díaz Palencia, José LuisRahman, Saeed urNouman, Muhammad2023-02-162023-02-1620222227-7390https://hdl.handle.net/10641/3268The purpose of this study is to establish Liouville-type results for a three-dimensional incompressible, unsteady flow described by the Eyring–Powell fluid equations. The fluid is studied in a plane Ωp while it moves along the z-axis. Therefore the main functions to analyze are given by u(x,y,z,t) and v(x,y,z,t) , belonging to Ωp . The results are obtained for globally bounded initial data as well as their corresponding derivatives, and the variations in velocity along the z-axis belong to the space L2 and BMO . Under such conditions, Liouville-type results are obtained and extended to Lp, p>2.engAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Españahttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/Liouville-type resultsEyring–Powell fluidThree-dimensional flowUnsteady flowLiouville-Type Results for a Two-Dimensional Stretching Eyring–Powell Fluid Flowing along the z-Axis.journal articleopen access10.3390/math10040631