Ruiz Alberdi, CristinaAlcalá Recuero, Jesús2019-07-192019-07-1920191841-8325 Francis, over the years has traveled, especially, seeking reconciliation among peoples and raising the voice for the most disadvantaged and excluded. The Pope's message is one of forgiveness, reconciliation and compassion, because the Mercy of God is the hope of the world and will always be greater than our sins. Before the urgent call of Pope Francis to mercy and forgiveness we must think of young people as the witnesses of future generations who are the hope of the world. Education, according to Francisco, must be a generator of hope and considers that the role of an educator is that of a mother and a father who transmit a life full of future; hence the need for the inclusion of knowledge of the path of forgiveness towards peace in the educational task. The objective of this work is to transmit the teachings of the Pope to young people, through an educational intervention. To expand the search we have used two explanatory models of forgiveness, one exclusively focused on the teachings of Pope Francis, another, with a non-denominational nuance addressed to all people, regardless of their religious beliefs and ideas, based on the work of Gianfranco Testa, founder of the University of Perdón of Turin; In this model, Francisco's teachings have been treated as those of one more author along with other experts in the subject. The intervention was developed within the subject of Social Responsibility, second year of the degrees of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Physiotherapy of the Francisco de Vitoria University of Madrid (Spain). As a resource has been used to view different scenes of films in which characters and scenes are presented full of emotion and meaning in relation to the concepts developed.spaAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España perdón y la misericordia como condiciones de posibilidad de la paz desde diferentes enseñanzas. Propuesta de intervención educativa en la asignatura de responsabilidad social.journal articleopen access