González Frutos, PabloVeiga, SantiagoMallo, JavierNavarro, Enrique2020-11-112020-11-1120202076-3417http://hdl.handle.net/10641/2085The aims of this study were to compare the five hurdle-unit split times from the deterministic model with the hurdle-to-hurdle model and with the official time, to compare the step kinematics of each hurdle-unit intervals, and to relate these variables to their respective hurdle-unit split times. The temporal and spatial parameters of the 60 m hurdles race were calculated during the 44th Spanish and 12th IAAF World Indoor Championships (men: n = 59; women: n = 51). The hurdle-unit split times from the deterministic model showed a high correlation (r = 0.99; p < 0.001) with the split times of the hurdle-to-hurdle model and faster split times were related to shorter step and flight times in hurdle steps for both genders. At the first hurdle, male athletes tended to increase their flight and contact times while the tendency of female athletes was to decrease their contact and flight times. In addition, at the first hurdle, both genders presented shorter take-off distance, shorter landing distance, and greater step width than in the remaining hurdles of the race. Therefore, coaches should implement training programs that have an impact on these key variables according to the specific demands of each hurdle-unit phase and gender.engAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Españahttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/Track and fieldKinematicsPerformance analysisCompetitionDLT algorithmsEvolution of the Hurdle-Unit Kinematic Parameters in the 60 m Indoor Hurdle Race.journal articleopen access10.3390/app10217807