Godino Ojer, MarinaLópez Peinado, Antonio J.Maldonado Hódar, Francisco J.Bailón García, EstherPérez Mayoral, Elena2019-05-082019-05-0820191477-9226http://hdl.handle.net/10641/1629A novel series of eco-sustainable catalysts developed by supporting CoO nanoparticles on different carbon supports, highly efficient in the synthesis of quinolines and naphthyridines, through the Friedländer condensation, are reported for the first time. Textural properties, dispersion and location of the Co-phase are influenced by the nature of the carbon support, Co-precursor salt and metal loading, having a significant impact on the catalytic performance. Thus, the presence of the mesopores and macropores in carbon aerogels together with the homogeneous distribution of the active phase favours the formation of product 3a as a function of the metal loading. However, an increase in the metal content when using CNTs indicates the formation of CoO aggregates and an optimal concentration of 3 wt% CoO was observed, providing the highest conversion values. The carbon-based catalysts herein reported can be considered to be a sustainable alternative having advantages such as easy preparation, superior stability and notably enhanced catalytic performance, operating at lower temperature and under solvent-free conditions.engAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Españahttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/Cobalt oxide-Carbon nanocatalysts with highly enhanced catalytic performance for the green synthesis of nitrogen heterocycles through Friedländer condensation.journal articleopen access10.1039/C8DT04403A