Salom Moreno, JaimeJiménez Gómez, LauraGómez Ahufinger, VictoriaPalacios Ceña, MaríaArias Buría, José LuisKoppenhaver, Shane L.Fernández de las Peñas, César2017-05-172017-05-1720171934-1482 Application of dry needling is usually associated to post-needling induced pain. Development of post-needling intervention targeting to reduce this adverse event is needed. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of low-load exercise on reducing post-needling induced-pain after dry needling of active trigger points (TrPs) in the infraspinatus muscle in subacromial pain syndrome.engAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Españaón secaDolorHombroPunto de rupturaEffects of Low-Load Exercise on Post-needling Induced Pain After Dry Needling of Active Trigger Point in Individuals with Subacromial Pain Syndrome.journal articleopen access