Orón Semper, José Víctor

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José Víctor

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Orón Semper





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  • Item
    La educación centrada en el encuentro como forma singular de innovación.
    (Estudios sobre educación, 2022) Orón Semper, José Víctor; Lizasoain-Iriso, Inmaculada
    Antes de hablar de innovación educativa, necesitamos determinar qué entendemos por perfeccionar tanto el acto educativo como el proceso de crecimiento de las personas involucradas en él. Inspirados por la forma de entender el desarrollo personal de Leonardo Polo y Erik Erikson, entre otros autores, analizamos los requisitos antropológicos y psicológicos necesarios para que emerja la novedad tanto en cada acto educativo como en los actores que participan en él. Encontramos que la novedad emerge en el interior de cada acto educativo cuando la competencia se pone al servicio de la transformación del mundo en aras del encuentro interpersonal.
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    The role of empathy in shared intentionality: Contributions from Inter-Processual Self theory.
    (Frontiers in Psychology, 2023) Luis, Elkin O.; Martínez, Martín; Akrivou, Kleio; Scalzo, Germán; Aoiz, Martín; Orón Semper, José Víctor
    Research in psychology related to the conceptualization of empathy has been on the rise in the last decades. However, we argue that there is still space for further research to help capture the important notion of empathy and its theoretical and conceptual depth. Following a critical review of the current state of the research that conceptualizes and measures empathy, we focus on works that highlight the importance of a shared vision and its relevance in psychology and neuroscience. Considering the state of the art of current neuroscientific and psychological approaches to empathy, we argue for the relevance of shared intention and shared vision in empathy-related actions. Upon review of different models that emphasize a shared vision for informing research on empathy, we suggest that a newly developed theory of self, human growth and action–the so-called Inter-Processual Self theory (IPS)–can significantly and novelly inform the theorization on empathy beyond what the literature has stated to date. Then, we show how an understanding of integrity as a relational act that requires empathy is an essential mechanism for current key research on empathy and its related concepts and models. Ultimately, we aim to present IPS as a distinctive proposal to expand upon the conceptualization of empathy.
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    Achieving Transfer from Mathematics Learning.
    (Education Sciences, 2023) Orón Semper, José Víctor; Lizasoain, Inmaculada
    The question of transfer is a special challenge in mathematics teaching because the wide range and fragmentation of the curricula have in many cases fostered an instrumental understanding, which makes transfer difficult for the students. Although promoting a relational learning has been a huge step forward in achieving transfer, understanding usually remains at the technical level of learning. Fostering critical thinking and metacognition raises learning to the psychological level, as students are encouraged to analyse their own thinking. Despite this, our hypothesis is that transfer will only be achieved when students are helped to reach a personal dimension, being encouraged to discover their own way of approaching the global reality of their lives beyond the subject. Learning, for instance, the greatest common divisor should be an opportunity to discover that, as numbers can be presented by their prime factors, people can be recognised by their features and interests. As such, looking for the greatest common divisor should not differ from discovering common interests with friends. Integrating specific and general learning will make transfer no longer unattainable. Personalising learning means discovering how one specific learning impacts on the personal way of understanding reality (oneself, others, and the world), thus making transfer natural.