Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto

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Carlos Alberto

Last Name

Marchena Giráldez



Educación y Psicología



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Search Results

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  • Item
    Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on perinatal mental health in Spain: Positive and negative outcomes.
    (Women and Birth, 2022) Chaves Vélez, Covadonga; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Palacios, Beatriz; Salgado, Alfonso; Duque, Almudena
    Background Previous studies have shown that perinatal distress has a negative influence on pregnancy outcome and the physiological development of the baby. Objective The aim of this study was to describe the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal perinatal mental health in Spain. Methods Seven hundred and twenty-four women (N = 450 pregnancy, N = 274 postpartum) were recruited online during the pandemic. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, and the Satisfaction With Life Scale were administered. Variables related to sociodemographic information, the COVID-19 pandemic, and perinatal care were also assessed. Findings The results showed that 58% of women reported depressive symptoms. Moreover, 51% of women reported anxiety symptoms. On the other hand, a regression analysis for life satisfaction showed that besides the perception about their own health, marital status or being a health practitioner were also significant predictors during pregnancy. However, perception about baby’s health and sleep, perception about their own health, and marital status were significant predictors of life satisfaction during the postpartum stage. Discussion Women assessed during the COVID-19 pandemic reported high rates of psychological distress. Conclusion These results highlight the need of clinical support during this period. Knowing the routes to both distress and well-being may help maternity services to effectively cope with the pandemic.
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    Validation of the Spanish Version of the Work Group Emotional Intelligence Profile Short Version (WEIP-S) in the Sports Context.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021) Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Acebes Sánchez, Jorge; Román, Francisco J.; Granado Peinado, Miriam
    Emotional intelligence (EI) is related to better performance in sports. To measure this construct, many tools have been developed and validated in the sports context. However, these tools are based on an individual’s ability to manage their own emotions, but do not consider the emotions of the rest of the team (teammates, coaches, etc.). In this regard, the Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile short version (WEIP-S) is a self-reported measure designed to measure the EI of individuals who are part of a team. The aim of this study was to validate the WEIP-S structure to measure EI in the sports context, and to analyze the psychometric properties of this tool in the sample in terms of validity and reliability. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 273 athletes to examine the reliability, factor structure, and evidence of validity (convergent, discriminant, nomological, and concurrent) of the WEIP-S. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the original four-factor structure is the most appropriate for the sports context. Composite reliability was adequate for all factors except management of one’s own emotions, which also showed poor convergent validity. Evidence of convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity are discussed. This study represents an advance in the use of specific scales to measure EI in the sports context.
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    Are Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, Emotional Eating, Alcohol Intake, and Anxiety Related in University Students in Spain?.
    (Nutrients, 2020) Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Bernabeu Brotons, Elena; Iglesias López, María Teresa
    Research has suggested that university students are at risk from certain unhealthy habits, such as poor diet or alcohol abuse. At the same time, anxiety levels appear to be higher among university students, which may lead to high levels of emotional eating. The aim of this study was to analyze the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet (AMD), emotional eating, alcohol intake, and anxiety among Spanish university students, and the interrelationship of these variables. A total of 252 university students filled out the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) questionnaire for Mediterranean diet adherence, an Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, a State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Emotional Eater Questionnaire. We analyzed descriptive data, a t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for differences, a Pearson correlation, and multiple regression tests. Results showed low levels of AMD among university students (15.5%) and considerable levels of emotional eating (29%) and anxiety (23.6%). However, levels of alcohol dependence were low (2.4%). State-anxiety was a predictor of the emotional eater score and its subscales, and sex also was predictive of subscale guilt and the total score. However, AMD was predicted only by trait-anxiety. These models accounted for between 1.9% and 19%. The results suggest the need for the implementation of educational programs to promote healthy habits among university students at risk.
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    Nutrient intake, alcohol consumption, emotional eating and anxiety in women nursing students.
    (Heliyon, 2023) Iglesias López, María Teresa; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Bernabeu Brotons, Elena
    Objective The aim of the study was to analyze dietary habits, alcohol habits, emotional eating and anxiety in a sample of Spanish nursing students. These students appear to be essential to the field of public health and to teaching their future patients about their own good practices. Methods A cross-sectional investigation was conducted. Participants completed the Emotional Eater Questionnaire, the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) test to evaluate alcohol intake, the State-Trait anxiety Inventory (STAI) test to measure levels of anxiety as a state and anxiety as a trait, and self-reported sociodemographic data. Following classroom instruction, three-day food records were used to gauge food intake. Results The calorie intake for the macronutrients Ca, Mg, K, and Fe were below the Recommended Dietary Intakes (DRI) and imbalanced. The percentage E of proteins was 132.7 % more than recommended, while the percentage of carbohydrates is below the recommended level. Dietary energy consumption barely equaled 78 % of the total energy consumed by this sex and age group. With respect to emotional eating, nursing women students were low emotional eater (44 %) > emotional eater (30 %) > non-emotional eater (22.7 %). The students' emotional eating is substantially connected with fast food and sweets, or less healthy food intake behaviors. According to the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT), 82.7 % of female students used alcohol on a regular basis in a low-risk manner. Conclusion The findings demonstrated a link between anxiety and dietary fat intake. Trait anxiety was negatively connected with emotional eating (EE), whereas state anxiety was positively correlated with meat consumption. It is crucial to consider these findings when creating prevention/intervention plans and profiles of harmful eating behaviors.
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    Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy programme with and without videoconference guidance sessions: A randomized controlled trial to treat work-related symptoms of anxiety and depression.
    (Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2021) Calero Elvira, Ana; Santacreu Ivars, Marta; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Shih, Pei-Chun
    This study provides the results from the implementation of a highly structured therapist-guided iCBT program for people with work-related anxiety and depression, in terms of program efficacy, participants’ adherence and satisfaction. Seventy-seven national police-workers were randomly allocated to one of two groups: without additional videoconference sessions (web platform with guidance of therapist), and with additional videoconference sessions (same intervention as the previous group, plus two videoconference guidance sessions with a psychologist). The intervention was comprised of 12 sessions and took place for 17-20 weeks. We found an adherence rate of 36.4%, with no differences between groups. All participants endorsed lower depression [BDI-II F(1) = 36.98, ρ < .001; ATQ F(1) = 24.22, ρ < .001], and anxiety [STAI-State F(1) = 76.62, ρ < .001] after the program. As a variable related to anxiety and depression in workplace, participants also showed higher assertiveness levels [RAS F(1) = 8.96, ρ < .001]. A significant reduction of the mean level of anxiety perceived by participants as the intervention program progressed was observed in both groups (F(2)=7.44; p=.003). Participants were satisfied with the therapists’ intervention and with the program. No significant group effects were found for any of the measures. Reduction in depression levels was maintained in the 12 months follow-up, but levels of anxiety increased. This study is innovative, as it is the first controlled trial to analyze the effect of two added videoconference sessions, and it includes short and long term measures, which is not usual. The results are discussed to clarify the role of the contact with the therapist to improve treatment adherence.
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    Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of theWork Group Emotional Intelligence Profile Short Version (WEIP-S) in a Sample of Spanish Federated Coaches.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) Granado Peinado, Miriam; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Martínez Infiesta, Inés; Acebes Sánchez, Jorge
    Emotional intelligence has been a topic of great interest to researchers in many different areas as it is associated with mental, psychosomatic, and physical health. In the sports context, it is a significant variable that can play an important role in improving the team’s performance. Although there are numerous tools to assess emotional intelligence, few of them have been validated explicitly in a sports sample, and even fewer have had coaches as a target population. Therefore, this study aimed to validate the Spanish version of the work group emotional intelligence profile short version (WEIP-S) in a sample of Spanish federated coaches. The results confirm that this instrument presents good psychometric properties to measure the emotional intelligence of sports coaches. The original four-factor model (awareness of one’s own emotions, management of one’s own emotions, awareness of others’ emotions, and management of others’ emotions) shows good reliability and convergent validity for all four factors except for the management of one’s own emotions. These findings suggest that it is possible to measure the emotional intelligence of coaches and offer the opportunity to continue investigating the relevance of constructing specific scales to measure this construct in the sports context.
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    Perinatal Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study.
    (Clínica y Salud, 2023) Chaves Vélez, Covadonga; Mezei, Ioana; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Duque, Almudena
    Few studies have shown the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on new mothers’ health, but the long-term consequences of the crisis are yet unknown. This study aimed at evaluating the changes experienced in perinatal mental health 6 months after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. Women (n = 176, average age = 33.80) were recruited during the pandemic. Participants completed the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, the Satisfaction With Life Scale and Positive, and the Negative Affect Schedule. Results showed a decrease in depressive symptoms, t(174) = 2.58, p = .01, d = 0.02, whereas anxiety symptoms remained high, t(174) = 1.31, p = .19. In terms of psychological well-being, the results showed a decrease in life satisfaction, t(175) = 2.58, p = .011, d = 0.16, and negative affect, t(175) = 3.15, p = .002, d = 0.26, and an increase in positive affect, t(175) = -4.45, p < .001, d = 0.35. This study is expected to shed light on the design of future interventions aimed at the prevention of symptoms and to enhance life satisfaction during the perinatal stage.
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    Decision Making and Risk Propensity in Individuals with Tendencies towards Specific Internet-Use Disorders.
    (Brain Sciences, 2021) Müller, Silke M.; Wegmann, Elisa; García Arias, María; Bernabeu Brotons, Elena; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Brand, Matthias
    The uncontrolled use of specific Internet applications is increasingly recognized as a mental health issue. Gaming disorder, which is one subtype of specific Internet-use disorders (sIUDs), has been included in the ICD-11 as disorder due to addictive behaviors. Addictive disorders are assumed to be accompanied by cognitive deficits as indicated by weaker performance in executive function and risky decision-making tasks. This study investigates risky decision-making in individuals with tendencies towards sIUDs including gaming, online buying-shopping, and social-networksuse disorders. A total of 293 individuals participated in the study. Based on specific screening instruments, the participants were assigned to a group with tendencies towards sIUD or a control group. Participants completed a risky decision-making task and questionnaires assessing risk-taking propensity, impulsivity, psychopathology, and perceived stress. The group with sIUD tendencies showed higher attentional impulsivity and higher levels of depression and anxiety compared to the control group. The groups did not differ in decision making and risk propensity. Decision making did not have significant effects on sIUD symptoms. Risk for developing sIUDs does not appear to be accompanied by altered general decision-making tendencies. Rather, psychological (pre-)load and attentional deficits appear to be relevant features in uncontrolled use of the Internet.
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    Internet addiction and executive functions in university students: a systematic review.
    (Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 2020) Bernabeu Brotons, Elena; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; González Pizzio, Adriana; Lubrini, Genny
    Internet addiction is a growing public health problem and university students have number of characteristics which make them a population at risk. Numerous studies suggest a relation between addiction and the impairment of executive functions. This bibliographical review aims to identify neuropsychological variables which indicate a risk of developing an addiction to different internet applications among university students. A systematic search was made of online databases (Medline, PsycInfo, PubMED, ScienceDirect, Scopus & Web of Science) for empirical studies published between 2000 and 2019 on the relation between internet addiction and executive functions in this population. After eliminating duplicates and applying eligibility criteria, a total of 30 studies were selected. The results of these studies suggest an alteration of executive functions due to addiction (inhibitory control, decision-making and verbal fluency), although the findings do not provide a clear internet addiction risk profile. More study is necessary into the nature of this relation, differentiating the different internet applications and controlling certain variables such as gender, the nature of the task and the type of stimuli, in order to design effective addiction prevention strategies.
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    Relación entre inteligencia emocional y ansiedad en un club de fútbol sala de Madrid.
    (Retos, 2020) Acebes Sánchez, Jorge; Granado Peinado, Miriam; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto
    Diversos estudios sugieren que la Inteligencia Emocional en deportistas se relaciona con el rendimiento deportivo y, a su vez, éste se ve perjudicado cuando los deportistas experimentan emociones negativas (e.g, ansiedad) que no son gestionadas adecuadamente. Sin embargo, se necesitan estudios que analicen si esta relación ocurre en todos los niveles deportivos. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar si existen diferencias en la inteligencia emocional (IE) y los niveles de ansiedad rasgo y estado (A/R y A/E) de jugadores de fútbol sala en función de su nivel deportivo. Para ello, se contó con una muestra de 48 jugadores de fútbol sala de todas las categorías juveniles a los que se les administró los cuestionarios TMMS-24 y STAI. Los resultados obtenidos muestran diferencias significativas en Atención Emocional (AE), A/R y A/E entre los diferentes niveles deportivos. Además, los niveles de A/R se relacionaron con todas las dimensiones de IE, mientras que la A/E únicamente se relacionó con la dimensión de AE.