Calzada Funes, Javier

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Calzada Funes






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    Grape Polyphenols to Arrest in Vitro Proliferation of Human Leukemia Cells: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
    (Food Reviews International, 2022) García Martínez, Daniel Jesús; Calzada Funes, Javier; Martín Saborido, Carlos; Santos Tejedor, Cruz
    Leukemia is a heterogeneous group of hemopoietic cancers, which accounts for 2.6% of new cases per year of total cancer incidence worldwide. Grapes and grape-derived products, such as grape juice, are naturally rich in polyphenols, bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties. Certain polyphenols have been proved to alter oxidative balance, both in inducing apoptosis in cancer cells and in preventing cancer development via controlling oxidative stress. To assess the therapeutic potential of grape polyphenols in the treatment of leukemia, a systematic review and meta-analysis of the reported data on leukemia was carried out. Following the PRISMA guide, a literature review of published papers on leukemia and polyphenols from the last 50 years was conducted, and 17 scientific articles published from 2002 to 2017 were included in the study. Resveratrol 50 μM had the highest growth inhibition effect (67%) followed by quercetin (30%). The results also point to a differential effect of polyphenols based on cell lineage; monocytes- and myelocytic-derived cell lines are the most susceptible, with a mean of 85% and 64% proliferation inhibition, respectively. Moreover, results show that growth inhibition cannot be associated with a molecular effect of polyphenols on the cell cycle arrest.
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    Teaching chemical engineering to biotechnology students in the time of COVID-19: Assessment of the adaptation to digitalization.
    (Education for Chemical Engineers, 2021) Ripoll Morales, Vanessa; Godino Ojer, Marina; Calzada Funes, Javier
    With the global outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020, there was an immediate shutdown of face-to-face classes and a sudden shift to on-line learning. Confinement required finding innovative approaches to teaching and student assessment. This paper aims to share the experience of adapting the course in Biochemical Engineering, part of the Biotechnology program at Francisco de Vitoria University (Madrid, Spain), to remote learning. A sequence of collaborative learning activities, with active student participation, was designed to replace the traditional mid-term exam. Activities were carefully implemented, considering the range of learning styles. Engineering skills, transversal competences and higher-order thinking skills were fostered through these activities. The analysis of the teaching/learning experience was based on teacher observations, academic performance and student surveys. All indicators showed that the adopted methodology had a positive impact of student performance. Student participation, especially among those repeating the course, also improved. Furthermore, students gained a more accurate and positive perception of the link between Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, which may have a favourable impact on the teaching of Bioreactors in the coming academic year.
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    Development of engineering skills in students of biotechnology: Innovation project “From laboratory to industry”.
    (Education for Chemical Engineers, 2023) Ripoll Morales, Vanessa; Godino Ojer, Marina; Calzada Funes, Javier
    Professors of Chemical Engineering often find that students are discouraged by the highly technical nature of the subject, have a poor understanding of how the subject relates to their field and lack the basic engineering skills and competences. This purpose of this paper is to report on a teaching innovation experience in the course in Biochemical Engineering, part of the Degree in Biotechnology at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid, Spain). The aim of the innovation project was to motivate students and overcome the difficulties posed by the course. To this end, a series of practical seminars were designed with individual and group learning activities, for the acquisition of engineering competences, developing higher-order thinking skills and transversal competences. The evaluation of the project was based on the learning-teaching experience of professors, the academic performance of students and student surveys at the end of the course. All indicators showed that the new methodology had a positive impact both on the attitudes of students and on learning outcomes. Furthermore, students had a more precise and positive vision of the interrelation between Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology in general, favourably influencing their learning in other courses within the degree program.