De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen

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De la Calle Maldonado






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    Hijos de nuestro tiempo: una mirada crítica hacia la modernidad y la postmodernidad.
    (Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Filozofie, 2020) Viñado Oteo, Fernando; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Giménez Armentia, Pilar
    The present research paper is a descriptive and critical analysis of the current beliefs and the ideological bases which underlying in modern and posmodern society at once and have largely determined the human being and his way of being and interacting with the world. From modernity we will analyze secularization, the loss of identity, the configuration of a technical scientific mentality, the emancipatory will, faith in progress, tolerance and the bourgeois capitalist spirit. From postmodernism, we will reflect on emptiness and disenchantment; the time of "myself" and "intimacy" ; neoneocismism ; hedonism and consumption; the weak thought that has socialized triviality; the new interpretation of the values of freedom, tolerance and autonomy of the "self", the new paradigms, especially of women, and the discrediting of family and natality as a gift. It is a critical work that shows and disassembles the superficial look in which we are located and defines the present moment, and tries to give a more hopeful and transcendent vision of possibility of projecting ourselves in the future, stripping ourselves of what reduces us and shrinks us to build ourselves in a more just world, committed to "the other" and its surroundings.
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    Women´s Role in the Social Action of the Catholic Church.
    (Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Istorie, 2021) De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Miró López, Susana; Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina
    This study proposes a look at the role of women in the social action of the Catholic Church from an approach to her Social Doctrine, a recognition of women founders of welfare congregations and two intellectuals socially committed to their time (Concepción Arenal and Edith Stein). Finally, we recover the concept of social conscience in the 21st century, from the gospel message and the participation of women in the Church, posed as solidarity in a care economy.
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    Formación en la responsabilidad social del profesional en el ámbito universitario.
    (Revista Complutense de Educación, 2022) Reig Aleixandre, Natalia; García Ramos, José Manuel; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen
    INTRODUCCIÓN. La Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible exige a la Educación Superior un mayor esfuerzo por crear una conciencia social en los universitarios. No obstante, son pocas las iniciativas encaminadas concretamente al desarrollo de la conciencia social del universitario. La asignatura de “Educación para la Responsabilidad Social”, de una universidad privada de Madrid, busca formar profesionales con conciencia social y comprometidos con el bien común. Veinticinco años después de su implantación en varios grados universitarios, se busca analizar su impacto cuando el egresado ya se encuentra en el desempeño de su profesión. MÉTODO. A través de un estudio empírico ex post facto en el que se analiza un grupo clave (272 sujetos) que cursó la asignatura y un grupo cuasi-control (252 sujetos) que no la cursó, se trata de determinar si existe un efecto diferencial en el grado de responsabilidad social. En concreto: en sus valores, en su conciencia social, en su compromiso con los demás y con el medio ambiente, y en el planteamiento de la profesión como servicio. Se elaboró un instrumento de medida de la Responsabilidad Social del Profesional y posteriormente se confirmó satisfactoriamente su fiabilidad y validez. RESULTADOS. Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias significativas a favor de los profesionales que cursaron la asignatura en la universidad (F(1,522) = 4.25; p = .040; η² = .008). Tienen mayor responsabilidad social global, una mejor percepción de los valores y un mejor planteamiento de la profesión como servicio. DISCUSIÓN. Se espera que se adopten iniciativas similares en otras universidades, con el fin de crear una diferencia significativa en la formación de profesionales socialmente responsables. Se aconseja la creación de programas que potencien la sensibilidad y el compromiso social. Las iniciativas en las que el alumno desarrolla una labor social o tiene un contacto directo con un colectivo en exclusión social son las más educativas.
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    Gender differences in professional social responsibility: Are women more responsible at work than men?
    (Frontiers in psychology, 2023) Reig Aleixandre, Natalia; García Ramos, José Manuel; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen
    Introduction: There is overwhelming evidence that companies with women on their boards of directors have higher levels of Corporate Social Responsibility. The relation between professional women and collective or organisational responsibility has been widely studied. However, to date there has been little research into the individual attitudes of women towards social responsibility. The purpose of this study is to analyse the differences in attitudes towards social responsibility between men and women in their professional life. Methods: A study sample (N = 524; 347 women; Medad = 37) was assembled using the LinkedIn social media platform and participants, after providing their informed consent, were asked to answer the Professional Social Responsibility Questionnaire. Results: The results showed significant differences in Professional Social Responsibility between men and women, with moderate effect (t(522) = 2.078; p = 0.038; η2 = 0.191), in favour of women. The women participants scored higher in the dimensions Discovery of Personal Values (t(522) = 2.342; p = 0.020; η2 = 0.216) and Social Awareness (t(522) = 2.179; p = 0.030; η2 = 0.201), both with representative effect sizes. Discussion: These results suggest that the greater commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility of companies with women on their boards of directors is due, in part, to the greater individual or personal social responsibility of women. Higher levels of Discovery of Personal Values and Social Awareness amongst women may also result in better decision-making, ultimately accruing to the benefit of the company in terms of its financial results and reputation.
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    Una propuesta de educación para la Responsabilidad Social.
    (Pirámide, 2019) Viñado Oteo, Fernando; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Giménez Armentia, Pilar
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    A christian humanism vs. the transhuman approaches on finitude and death.
    (Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Filozofie, 2023) Miró López, Susana; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen
    The human being experiences in the depths of his being a longing for plenitude. However, pain, disease and death accompany their existence. Transhumanism tries to overcome the limits of man through all a technologi-cal scientific development and ventures to predict the definitive triumph over death. In this study, we carry out a historical journey in which we analyze the meaning of finitude and death for both transhumanism and Christian humanism, focused on the person. Transhumanism and Christianity coincide in the desire to conquer death. The understanding of the concepts studied and the means to save humanity that they are proposed differ in both approaches. We understand that in transhumanism there is a reductionism of the defini-tion of person and therefore of the solution that it is offered to respond to the deep longing inscribed each human being.
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    Hacia la validación del constructo "responsabilidad social del estudiante universitario" (RSEU)
    (Bordón. Revista de pedagogía., 2016) García Ramos, José Manuel; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Valbuena Martínez, María Consuelo; De Dios Alija, Teresa
    La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa se refiere al conjunto de obligaciones y compromisos, económicos, sociales, legales, medioambientales y éticos, nacionales e internacionales, de una determinada organización con sus “grupos de interés”. Una organización socialmente responsable se caracteriza porque las personas que la integran y que con ella se relacionan son capaces de responder de sus actos, decisiones y consecuencias de los mismos. La formación universitaria debe ser partícipe en la preparación de personas socialmente responsables, a través de su desarrollo integral. La asignatura Responsabilidad Social del Estudiante Universitario en la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV, en adelante) permite al alumno descubrir su grado de responsabilidad social y compromiso personal en la construcción de un mundo mejor. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la consistencia interna y la validez del constructo de Responsabilidad Social del Estudiante Universitario, RSEU (distinto de RSCU, Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de la Universidad) entendido como la interacción de conocimientos, capacidades, convicciones y actitudes que se ponen en juego en contextos reales, para comprometerse con los otros y tomar conciencia de que la acción personal repercute en la mejora social. MÉTODO. Se mide el constructo en una amplia muestra de estudiantes universitarios (404). El tratamiento de los datos se realiza a partir de indicadores de fiabilidad como Alpha de Cronbach, así como de análisis correlacional, análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC). RESULTADOS. Los resultados muestran índices de consistencia interna más que aceptables o satisfactorios (entre 0,85 y 0,92, fiabilidad general). Las correlaciones entre las dimensiones del instrumento son significativas y elevadas. El AFE parece indicar la presencia de un constructo único sobre la base de tres dimensiones correlacionadas. Los resultados del AFC, aun no siendo concluyentes, apuntan en la misma dirección. DISCUSIÓN. Estos resultados parecen mostrar la adecuada medición del constructo que se pretende evaluar.
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    Coaching in improving teacher.
    (2013) De Dios Alija, Teresa; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Peñalba, Olga
    Coaching offers teachers a new approach to deal with their teaching, focusing on the student and the skills to be developed rather than on the subject and content to be acquired. Provides resources and simple tools that allow application relationships in a different way with himself, with his pupils and their discipline. And it can provide a way to contribute, from the scope of each discipline, the development of the whole person.
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    A teaching method based on dialogical coaching for developing the self-learning competence.
    (2012) Peñalba, Olga; De Dios Alija, Teresa; Valbuena Martínez, María Consuelo; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Samarán Saló, Felipe; Castaño, Patricia; Rodríguez Legendre, Fidel
    This paper presents a new method for developing the competence of self-learning based on dialogical coaching. Coaching is a practice for training people in using their own resources, knowledge and expertise to achieve goals or increase performance. Self-learning means using self-resources to learn so coaching is a good approach to develop this competence. Particularly, our proposal is based on the principles, skills and procedures of dialogical coaching, a new model of coaching based on dialogical philosophy.
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    Development and Assessment of the self-directed learning competence.
    (Journal of International Scientific Publications, 2012) De Dios Alija, Teresa; Peñalba, Olga; Valbuena Martínez, María Consuelo; Castaño, Patricia; Rodríguez Legendre, Fidel; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Samarán Saló, Felipe
    With the establishment of the European Space for Higher Education traditional teaching methods have been replaced by new ones focused on Competence Based Learning. New techniques for competence assessment are also needed. We present an assessment method for the self-learning competence, based on rubrics and questionnaires.