Acebes Sánchez, Jorge

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Acebes Sánchez



Ciencias de la Salud



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    Validation of the Spanish Version of the Work Group Emotional Intelligence Profile Short Version (WEIP-S) in the Sports Context.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021) Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Acebes Sánchez, Jorge; Román, Francisco J.; Granado Peinado, Miriam
    Emotional intelligence (EI) is related to better performance in sports. To measure this construct, many tools have been developed and validated in the sports context. However, these tools are based on an individual’s ability to manage their own emotions, but do not consider the emotions of the rest of the team (teammates, coaches, etc.). In this regard, the Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile short version (WEIP-S) is a self-reported measure designed to measure the EI of individuals who are part of a team. The aim of this study was to validate the WEIP-S structure to measure EI in the sports context, and to analyze the psychometric properties of this tool in the sample in terms of validity and reliability. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 273 athletes to examine the reliability, factor structure, and evidence of validity (convergent, discriminant, nomological, and concurrent) of the WEIP-S. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the original four-factor structure is the most appropriate for the sports context. Composite reliability was adequate for all factors except management of one’s own emotions, which also showed poor convergent validity. Evidence of convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity are discussed. This study represents an advance in the use of specific scales to measure EI in the sports context.
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    Análisis del desarrollo de valores a través de la educación física y del deporte: un estudio de protocolo.
    (Retos, 2022) Smith Palacio, Eulisis; Acebes Sánchez, Jorge
    Son muchas las teorías planteadas sobre la educación en valores y la transmisión de estos a través del deporte. No obstante, estas teorías han sido cuestionadas por la falta de evidencia en la metodología y en la identificación de variables que influyen en el desarrollo de los valores. Este estudio tiene como objetivo plantear el protocolo de intervención educativa del Programa Delfos para la educación en valores a través de actividades físico-deportivas en jóvenes escolares, y la evaluación del autocontrol a través del cuestionario de autocontrol infantil y adolescente (CACIA). Los resultados ayudarán a evaluar, si el programa de intervención Delfos es apropiado para el desarrollo de valores en el alumnado allá donde se aplique la investigación. Esta investigación pretende dotar al docente de herramientas para el desarrollo real de su alumnado en materia de valores a través de actividades físico-deportivas. Así mismo, el presente trabajo busca crear una metodología que permita transferir los valores educativos que se obtienen en las clases de educación física a la familia y la sociedad.
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    Physical activity and emotional intelligence among undergraduate students: a correlational study.
    (BMC Public Health, 2019) Acebes Sánchez, Jorge; Diez Vega, Ignacio; Esteban Gonzalo, Sara; Rodríguez Romo, Gabriel
    Background Physical activity (PA) can be a mechanism that develops emotions. Emotional intelligence (EI) is related to significant public health and psychological benefits. However, there is little information about the relationships between PA and EI dimensions: emotional attention, clarity, and repair. This study examined the possible relationships between these variables in undergraduate students from Madrid. As a secondary aim, sex differences in PA domains and EI dimensions were examined. Methods A total of 2960 (21.34 ± 4.34 years) undergraduate students from Madrid (Spain) fulfilled the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) and Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ). We used a MANOVA to compare EI and PA levels according to sex. Different linear regressions were conducted to calculate the PA and age prediction power based on EI. Results We found a significant association between EI dimensions and PA levels, although these relationships were small. Fully adjusted linear regression showed that sex and leisure-time PA (LTPA) were associated of emotional attention (r2c = .025). Sex, age, and LTPA were associated of emotional repair (r2c = .024). There were statistically significant differences in EI by sex (p ≤ .001; η2p = .039), with higher scores in emotional attention for women (p ≤ .001) and emotional clarity (p ≤ .001) and repair (p ≤ .001) for men. PA levels differed according to sex (p ≤ .001; η2p = .038). Men show higher scores in LTPA levels (p = .002) and occupational PA (p ≤ .001). Conclusions Undergraduate students with higher levels of LTPA showed a better score on EI, specifically in emotional attention and emotional repair. However, these associations and the predictive power of LTPA regarding emotional attention and emotional repair were weak. Men engaged in more LTPA and occupational PA and had higher emotional clarity and emotional repair than women. However, women had higher emotional attention.
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    Optoelectronic analysis of technical factors and performance of elite-level air pistol shooting.
    (Plos One, 2022) Mon López, Daniel; De la Rubia, Alfonso; García Aliaga, Abraham; Acebes Sánchez, Jorge; Lorenzo Calvo, Jorge; Refoyo Román, Ignacio
    Technical elements are related to shooting performance; however, the importance of each factor regarding performance, especially in elite-level pistol shooters, remains controversial. The objective of this study was to determine the technical factors that influence pistol performance. One elite-level shooter was analysed during the season before the Olympic classification European championship through a total of six competitions (n = 360 shots). Aiming point trajectories were measured with the SCATT optoelectronic system. Variables were classified into six categories: performance; aiming time; stability of hold; aiming accuracy; cleanness of triggering and shooting delta. Principal component analysis, multiple regressions, Pearson correlations and ANOVAs were used to analyse the data. The results showed that five components (aiming time, stability of hold, aiming accuracy, cleanness of triggering and shooting delta) determined a total of 79.68% of the shooting variance. Specifically, aiming accuracy and cleanness of triggering explained up to 25% of the shooting score, with cleanness of triggering serving as the determining factor. Correlations were found among the performance and stability of hold, aiming accuracy, cleanness of triggering and shooting delta. Last, significant differences were found among 8-score, 9-score and 10-score shots. We conclude that while aiming accuracy seems to be related to the performance, cleanness of triggering could be the most critical technical element; furthermore, while stability of hold does not seem to be a determining factor of the score, it could be a general prerequisite to achieve high levels of performance in elite-level air pistol shooters.
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    ¿Cómo usan el teléfono móvil y los videojuegos los atletas adolescentes de alto rendimiento?.
    (Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 2023) García-Naveira Vaamonde, Alejo; Acebes Sánchez, Jorge; León-Zarceño, Eva
    El objetivo de este artículo es explorar los usos de los teléfonos móviles y videojuegos en una muestra de 84 atletas españoles de alto rendimiento, con edades entre los 13 y 17 años. Para ello, se les aplicó un cuestionario ad hoc en relación con el tiempo y tipo de uso de estos dispositivos durante la semana. Respecto al teléfono móvil, los datos indican que el 100% de los jóvenes tienen uno; lo utilizan una media de 85.8 minutos al día; lo emplean más tiempo al día los fines de semana; no hay diferencias en el tiempo de uso en función del sexo; y el uso principal es la comunicación y el acceso a las redes sociales. En cuanto a los videojuegos, el 58.3% de los participantes juegan a algún videojuego (M = 45.6 minutos al día); su uso al día es mayor los fines de semana; el 84% de los chicos y el 37% de las chicas juegan a los videojuegos, siendo los hombres los que juegan más tiempo que las mujeres; los atletas juegan a varios videojuegos, siendo el más utilizado el Fornite. Se concluye que los teléfonos móviles son ampliamente utilizados por los jóvenes atletas y se han convertido en una herramienta fundamental para relacionarse con los demás. Por otro lado, el uso de los videojuegos es menos frecuente y se deben de tener en cuenta posibles diferencias en función del sexo. Además, los fines de semana es el momento en el que los atletas tienen más tiempo libre para utilizar ambos dispositivos.
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    Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of theWork Group Emotional Intelligence Profile Short Version (WEIP-S) in a Sample of Spanish Federated Coaches.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) Granado Peinado, Miriam; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Martínez Infiesta, Inés; Acebes Sánchez, Jorge
    Emotional intelligence has been a topic of great interest to researchers in many different areas as it is associated with mental, psychosomatic, and physical health. In the sports context, it is a significant variable that can play an important role in improving the team’s performance. Although there are numerous tools to assess emotional intelligence, few of them have been validated explicitly in a sports sample, and even fewer have had coaches as a target population. Therefore, this study aimed to validate the Spanish version of the work group emotional intelligence profile short version (WEIP-S) in a sample of Spanish federated coaches. The results confirm that this instrument presents good psychometric properties to measure the emotional intelligence of sports coaches. The original four-factor model (awareness of one’s own emotions, management of one’s own emotions, awareness of others’ emotions, and management of others’ emotions) shows good reliability and convergent validity for all four factors except for the management of one’s own emotions. These findings suggest that it is possible to measure the emotional intelligence of coaches and offer the opportunity to continue investigating the relevance of constructing specific scales to measure this construct in the sports context.
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    Effects of Beetroot Juice Ingestion on Physical Performance in Highly Competitive Tennis Players.
    (Nutrients, 2020) López Samanés, Álvaro; Pérez López, Alberto; Moreno Pérez, Víctor; Yuzo Nakamura, Fabio; Acebes Sánchez, Jorge; Quintana García-Milla, Iñaki; Sánchez Oliver, Antonio J.; Moreno Pérez, Diego; Fernández Elías, Valentín Emilio; Domínguez, Raúl
    Beetroot juice (BJ) contains high levels of inorganic nitrate (NO3−) and its intake has good evidence in increasing blood nitrate/nitrite concentrations. The ingestion of BJ has been associated with improvements in physical performance of endurance sports, however the literature in intermittent sports is scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate whether BJ could improve physical performance in tennis players. Thirteen well-trained tennis players (25.4 ± 5.1 years) participated in the study during their preparatory period for the tennis season. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups and performed a neuromuscular test battery after either BJ or placebo (PLA) consumption. Both trials were executed on two separate days, in randomized order, with one week of wash out period. The test battery consisted of serve velocity test (SVT), countermovement jump (CMJ), isometric handgrip strength (IHS), 5-0-5 agility test (5-0-5), and 10 m sprint (10-m). No significant differences were found in SVT (1.19%; p = 0.536), CMJ (0.96%; p = 0.327), IHS (4.06%; p = 0.069), 5-0-5 dominant and nondominant side (1.11–2.02%; p = 0.071–0.191) and 10-m (1.05%; p = 0.277) when comparing BJ and PLA ingestion. Thus, our data suggest that low doses of BJ (70 mL) consumption do not enhance tennis physical performance.
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    Emotional Intelligence in Physical Activity, Sports and Judo: A Global Approach.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021) Acebes Sánchez, Jorge; Blanco García, Cecilia; Diez Vega, Ignacio; Mon López, Daniel; Rodríguez Romo, Gabriel
    Emotional intelligence (EI) has been studied in relation to health and physical activity (PA) or in a sport-specific approach. EI is related to sports performance; however, combat sports seem to show characteristics of their own that involve better control of emotions than other sports. This study aimed to analyse whether there are differences in EI dimensions between those who do not achieve World Health Organization (WHO) PA recommendations, those who meet WHO PA recommendations, those who meet WHO PA recommendations practising sports, and judokas of different levels. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted. The sample comprised 2938 undergraduate students from Madrid and 487 active Spanish judokas. PA was measured by the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ). EI was assessed by the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24). Three different one-way ANOVA and ANCOVA (controlling for gender and age) were conducted to compare the effect of type of group studied on the EI dimensions. Significant differences in EI dimensions were found between those who do not meet PA recommendations, those who meet PA recommendations, those who meet PA recommendations practising sports, and judo athletes of different levels. However, when controlling for gender and age, these differences remained specifically in emotional attention and in emotional repair. Judo athletes and high-performance judo athletes showed better EI than the rest of the studied groups.
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    Factores de entrenamiento en esports: una revisión sistemática
    (Retos, 2023) Acebes Sánchez, Jorge; Garcia-Naveira Vaamonde, Alejo; García Merino, Sonia
    El fenómeno de los esports ha venido creciendo de manera exponencial durante los últimos años. Numerosos equipos han creado centros de alto rendimiento para generar deportistas cada vez más competitivos. Diferentes estudios han indicado la importancia del entrenamiento en los jugadores de esports. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión sistemática sobre los artículos científicos publicados en los últimos 10 años (2012-2022) sobre el entrenamiento en jugadores de esports. Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed con las palabras clave “esports” y “training”. En la revisión se incluyeron trabajos en inglés, que reportaran información cuantitativa sobre los entrenamientos y variables entrenables que tenga por objeto mejorar el rendimiento deportivo. En un primer paso se obtuvieron 62 artículos, pero únicamente 8 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. A pesar de la importancia de la industria del videojuego en general y de los esports en concreto, han sido muy pocos los estudios encontrados sobre el entrenamiento para el rendimiento de las diferentes variables. Asimismo, los estudios encontrados no son concluyentes debido a que no se pueden contrastar, tienen un pobre diseño, o mezclan criterios de elegibilidad de la muestra. Esta investigación pone de manifiesto la necesidad de desarrollar estudios longitudinales con intervención que expongan relaciones causales entre las propuestas y la mejora del rendimiento obtenida.
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    Relaciones entre el nivel de actividad física, experiencia deportiva e inteligencia emocional en alumnos de Grado de la Comunidad Madrid: estudio de protocolo.
    (Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación, 2019) Acebes Sánchez, Jorge; Rodríguez Romo, Gabriel
    A pesar de la variedad de enfoques ante el constructo de inteligencia emocional y la actividad física, se sigue investigando en esta área focalizando la atención en los deportistas actuales y en su rendimiento y no en las relaciones que estas actividades puedan tener con los diferentes niveles de las dimensiones de la inteligencia emocional. El objetivo principal de la investigación es estudiar las relaciones entre actividad física, experiencia deportiva a lo largo de la vida e inteligencia emocional en los alumnos universitarios. Se contactará con 1301 alumnos de Grado de la Comunidad de Madrid que contestarán a través de Google Forms a las siguientes herramientas: GPAQv2, encuesta ad hoc. de experiencia deportiva y TMMS-24. Se emplearán pruebas descriptivas, se llevará a cabo correlación bivariada de Pearson y se emplearán modelos de regresión múltiple por pasos. Los resultados ayudarán a enmarcar las investigaciones futuras dotando de importancia al deporte y a la actividad física como elementos fundamentales para el desarrollo y entrenamiento de forma transversal de las destrezas emocionales, encontrando y analizando las relaciones que existen entre el nivel de actividad física, la experiencia deportiva a lo largo de la vida de las personas y la inteligencia emocional en alumnos universitarios de Grado de la Comunidad de Madrid. Esta investigación pretende abrir una vía más en la que el deporte y la actividad física, vuelvan a ser el contexto idóneo para la solución de necesidades intrapersonales e interpersonales.