Castaño, Patricia

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    Enseñar y aprender habilidades de comunicación clínica en la Facultad de Medicina. La experiencia de la Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid).
    (Educación médica, 2017) Ruiz Moral, Roger; Caballero Martínez, Fernando; García de Leonardo Mena, Cristina; Monge Martín, Diana; Cañas, Fernando; Castaño, Patricia
    La comunicación clínica ha sido aceptada como un contenido importante de los planes de estudio de medicina y reconocida como una competencia esencial por los organismos de acreditación y las organizaciones internacionales de educación médica. La formación en habilidades de «comunicación clínica» requiere que el estudiante ensaye con «pacientes simulados» bajo supervisión y observación directa y reciba un feedback específico y personalizado. Ello exige un programa de enseñanza en grupos pequeños, a través de un aprendizaje experiencial, impartido por profesores médicos especializados en la materia, de forma integrada con el resto de habilidades clínicas, esto es, no mediante intervenciones puntuales, sino a lo largo de todo el currículum. Se describen las características generales, organizativas y pedagógicas de un programa transversal dirigido a los estudiantes de medicina para su formación en habilidades de «comunicación clínica» basado en la experiencia desarrollada en la facultad de medicina en la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria durante los últimos 6 años, la cual puede servir de ejemplo en el contexto de los estudios de medicina en España o de otros entornos educativos.
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    Coaching and education: background, trends and research proposal at University level.
    (Proceedings of INTED2014 Conference, 2014) Rodríguez Legendre, Fidel; De Dios Alija, Teresa; Castaño, Patricia; Samarán Saló, Felipe
    This article seeks to establish a brief balance regarding the coaching applied to the education field. It is based on a research made in the United States where an important activity of research has taken place, as well as, reflection and coaching balance related to the education. The issues addressed in this work are: 1-Research into the effect of the teacher in teaching ("teacher effect"), conducted by researchers Harold Wenglinsky (2000), William Sanders and June Rivers (1996), which provides that the teaching exercise increases the efficiency income levels of students. This research served as the basis for the first attempts to apply the principles of coaching in the area of education. 2-Statement of common approaches applied to teaching coaching developed in the United States: Literacy coaching (Moran, 2007 & Toll, 2005), and cognitive coaching (Costa & Garmston, 2002). At this point are presented the tools developed for implementing literacy coaching: a-"Road planning a demonstration lesson" instrument proposed by Cathy Toll; b-"Lesson planning guide" developed by Judith White c-"Contact form teacher" by Kristin Rainville. Then, we illustrate the technique of "cognitive coaching" developed by Donna Diddly and the tools to apply pre and post-test. 3-Considerations on the various roles of the coach in the process of educational interaction, based on the proposals of the American researcher Jollen Killion, ending with the concepts of "culture of the school" (healthy culture and unhealthy culture), and the two models of coaching that can develop in the process of intervention: light and heavy coaching.
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    A teaching method based on dialogical coaching for developing the self-learning competence.
    (2012) Peñalba, Olga; De Dios Alija, Teresa; Valbuena Martínez, María Consuelo; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Samarán Saló, Felipe; Castaño, Patricia; Rodríguez Legendre, Fidel
    This paper presents a new method for developing the competence of self-learning based on dialogical coaching. Coaching is a practice for training people in using their own resources, knowledge and expertise to achieve goals or increase performance. Self-learning means using self-resources to learn so coaching is a good approach to develop this competence. Particularly, our proposal is based on the principles, skills and procedures of dialogical coaching, a new model of coaching based on dialogical philosophy.
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    Development and Assessment of the self-directed learning competence.
    (Journal of International Scientific Publications, 2012) De Dios Alija, Teresa; Peñalba, Olga; Valbuena Martínez, María Consuelo; Castaño, Patricia; Rodríguez Legendre, Fidel; De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Samarán Saló, Felipe
    With the establishment of the European Space for Higher Education traditional teaching methods have been replaced by new ones focused on Competence Based Learning. New techniques for competence assessment are also needed. We present an assessment method for the self-learning competence, based on rubrics and questionnaires.