Lozano Díaz, Vicente

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Lozano Díaz






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    Teodoro W: Adorno: Compositor. Entre la teoría crítica de la sociedad, la historia y la música
    (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2015-01-19) Rodríguez Legendre, Fidel; Lozano Díaz, Vicente
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    Literature and Truth in Enrique Vila-Matas.
    (Theory and practice in language studies, 2018) Lozano Díaz, Vicente; Romero Sánchez-Palencia, Carmen
    A postmodern approach helps the Spanish novelist Enrique Vila-Matas overcome the dichotomy between literature and reality and between desire and facts as the solution is to combine both elements. However, this does not mean he accepts all postmodernist characteristics, as accepting hermeneutic truth allows him to propose an aesthetic and even moral ideal that affirms the existence of a truth and certain values that go beyond absolute postmodern relativism.
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    El tema del mal en el Poema del Mío Cid
    (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2007) Lozano Díaz, Vicente
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    Husserl y la historia
    (Foro Hispanoamericano Francisco de Vitoria, 2010) Lozano Díaz, Vicente
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    Hegel y la historia
    (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2007) Lozano Díaz, Vicente
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    Historical context, strata and unity of meaning: the hermeneutic mentality of Roman Ingarden.
    (Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Istorie, 2021) Romero Sánchez-Palencia, Carmen; Lozano Díaz, Vicente
    We live in a world in which visiting a museum, listening to music or reading a book has become commonplace. Long gone are the times when only a minority was able to read or attend great concerts. We have become accustomed to move in an environment where contact with artistic creations is easy and accessible. However, if we pause to reflect or question the true meaning of art and its intrinsic nature, many would be surprised to find themselves without a clear or concise answer. It may be that if we were truly aware of art’s role we would dedicate more time to contemplate and enjoy the artistic works available to us. The question of defining, delimiting or framing the notion of the “artistic” is not a trivial one. Engaging with art brings us into contact with the sublime, with that which we most need but fail to recognise or understand. However, rapid technical or technological access to works of art does not necessarily translate into a proportional interest in art. Many look forward to their retirement to begin enjoying the pleasures of art while others frequent artistic or cultural milieux merely in order to project an image of sophistication to others, rather than out of any real personal interest; still others simply believe that art is not for them because they are too busy in their daily lives and have no interest in investing time and money in something that requires quietude and repose. Some regard art in purely decorative terms: books, artwork or records are adornments to make walls and shelves more attractive and appealing. Here art is exclusively ornamental. Within this final group are those who take a real interest in these theoretical and practical questions, themselves creators or not, who look to art simply for that which is lacking or can profoundly nourish their own lives. But what is art? What does it consist of? The question of art is a philosophical and anthropological question. To understand art one must look beyond the merely apparent, the concrete, through a phenomenological approach where what matters is the relation we establish with what confronts us as a subject. To understand the truth of an artistic composition, if it is truly artistic, is to understand ourselves. In this vein, we will analyse the work of the Polish thinker Roman Ingarden and his specific notion of the literary work of art as the foundation of modern aesthetics. We will thus pursue an understanding of artistic creation by exploring its essence, its ontology and epistemology within literary theory.
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    Una excelente biografía de Santo Tomás
    (Foro Hispanoamericano Francisco de Vitoria, 2007) Lozano Díaz, Vicente
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    La realidad tan solo se forma en la memoria: lectura de En busca del tiempo perdido de Marcel Proust.
    (Bajo Palabra, 2022) Lozano Díaz, Vicente; Romero Sánchez-Palencia, Carmen
    Para el escritor francés Marcel Proust, el arte en general, y más específicamente la literatura, tiene la función principal de ayudarnos a incorporar el pasado a nuestras vivencias presentes, permitiéndonos asociar lo vivido anteriormente a nuestras sensaciones y experiencias actuales, y facilitando con ello que alcancemos la realidad esencial, la realidad que va más allá de los simples hechos inmediatos y de la insoportable banalidad en la que las exigencias y las urgencias de lo cotidiano tienden a sumergirnos
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    Encuentro y participación en Gabriel Marcel .
    (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2013) Lozano Díaz, Vicente
    Para Gabriel Marcel el Ser no es una idea o un mero concepto, sino encuentro y participación responsable del sujeto con los demás sujetos. Ser es coexistir, proyectarse, convivir, relacionarse con el otro más allá del beneficio individual, en un acto de afirmación de ambos como presencia libre más allá del mundo del tener. Ser es plenitud salvadora que se hace presente o a la que se accede en comunidad ideal con los otros a partir de los actos espirituales que permite: amor, fidelidad, esperanza.
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    La cuestión y la moral en Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger.
    (ARBOR Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura, Vol. 191-774, 2015) Lozano Díaz, Vicente
    Se puede ver en Ser y tiempo el intento de establecer una moral de la autenticidad, pues la vida humana se considera como constante proyectarse hacia adelante, estableciendo metas e intentando cumplirlas a partir de la decisión y de la responsabilidad que surge de la propia comprensión de uno mismo como proyecto individual e intransferible. Pero esta moral de la autenticidad solo sería aceptable para Heidegger si se considerase como fundamento ontológico o metafísico independiente de las verdades, valores o principios que a su vez se utilizarían como criterios para las conductas o comportamientos concretos.