González Martín-Moro, Julio

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González Martín-Moro






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    Implications of SS-OCT-anterior scleral thickness biometry on the definition of nanophthtalmos.
    (Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2021) González Martín-Moro, Julio; Gutiérrez Ortiz, Consuelo
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    Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Ophthalmological Assistance in the Emergency Department at a Spanish Primary Level Hospital.
    (Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021) González Martín-Moro, Julio; Guzmán Almagro, Elena; Izquierdo Rodríguez, Carlos; Fernández Hortelano, Ana; Lozano Escobar, Inmaculada; Gómez Sanz, Fernando; Contreras, Inés
    Purpose. To analyze the changes in ophthalmological emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown at a Spanish primary level hospital. Methods. The number and type of emergencies attended in the emergency department of Hospital Universitario del Henares between March 10 and August 31, 2020 (COVID-19 cohort) were compared with the emergencies attended during the same period of 2019 (pre-COVID-19 cohort). Data on the diagnosis, patient age, and gender was retrospectively collected from the electronic medical records of the hospital. The different diagnoses were organized into “clusters,” which include those conditions that affect the same ocular tissue and that have similar clinical expression. Results. The number of ophthalmological emergencies during the study period was 841, compared to 1343 during the same month of 2019, which represents a reduction of 37.4%. The percentage reduction in each cluster was as follows: conjunctiva (−65.4%), cornea (−35.8%), uveitis (−3.6%), eyelid and orbital and lacrimal (−35.5%), strabismus (−60%), neuro-ophthalmology (−11.8%), retina (−10.6%), cataract (+16.4%), glaucoma (−37%), and miscellaneous (−45.1%). The number of people seen with viral conjunctivitis decreased by −87.1% compared to 2019. Patients with complications due to conjunctivitis also decreased: patients with pseudomembranes dropped from 16 to 4 cases and patients with corneal subepithelial infiltrates from 9 to 3 cases. Conclusions. Most diagnostic clusters showed a similar decrease. Clusters that included vision-threating conditions (retina, neuro-ophthalmology, and uveitis) remained mostly stable. During the COVID-19 lockdown, the diagnosis of adenoviral conjunctivitis decreased nearly 10 times. This fact may represent a decrease in the transmission of these infections.
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    Cambios precoces en la tomografía de coherencia óptica en un niño con maculopatía inducida por puntero láser.
    (Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología, 2017) Sánchez Barahona, C.; González Martín-Moro, Julio; Zarallo Gallardo, J.; Lozano Escobar, I.; Cobo Soriano, Rosario
    Niño de 9 años de edad, que refiere pérdida visual en su ojo derecho, después de jugar con un puntero láser. En la primera exploración (12h después) la agudeza visual (AV) era 0,15, la fóvea presentaba una lesión hipopigmentada, y la tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT) demuestra la presencia de bandas hiperreflectivas verticales. Al cabo de 6 meses, la AV había mejorado a 0,5 y se aprecia en la OCT un área bien definida de interrupción de la retina externa. Discusión Un inadecuado uso de los punteros láser, puede producir pérdida visual severa e irreversible.
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    Acute monocular oligemia in a patient with migraine with aura demonstrated using OCT-angiography: A case report.
    (European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2020) González Martín-Moro, Julio; Porta Etessam, Jesús; Pilo de la Fuente, Belén; Fuentes Vega, Irene; Contreras, Inés
    Introduction: Migraine is one of the most common causes of transient visual loss. Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) provides fast and non-invasive imaging of the retinal vessels. We report one case of monocular retinal oligemia demonstrated using OCTA during a migraine attack with aura. Case description: A 27-year-old man with a previous history of migraine with visual aura was seen in the emergency room due to acute left hemicranial pain with positive visual symptoms in his right eye. The patient reported a blue stain in his right eye. Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) showed an extensive area of hypoperfusion in the macular region of his right eye. Forty-eight hours later visual symptoms had improved and the OCT-A showed a significant reduction in the area of hypoperfusion. Seven days later the patient was asymptomatic and retinal perfusion had returned to normal values. Conclusion: Monocular involvement suggests that these retinal vascular changes are independent from cerebral vascular changes, supporting the hypothesis of selective retinal ganglion cell layer spreading depression as the possible cause of some cases of retinal migraine.
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    La crisis de reproducibilidad de la ciencia y la necesidad de publicar los resultados negativos.
    (Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología, 2017) González Martín-Moro, Julio
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    Respuesta de los autores: contribución de España a los epónimos médicos.
    (Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología, 2020) González Martín-Moro, Julio
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    Consideraciones acerca del uso de epónimos en Oftalmología.
    (Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología, 2020) González Martín-Moro, Julio
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    Aproximaciones a la epidemiología de la neuropatía óptica hereditaria de Leber en la comunidad autónoma de Madrid a través de una encuesta a los neuroftalmólogos.
    (Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología, 2023) González Martín-Moro, Julio; Reche Sainz, J.A.; Gracia, T.; Maroto Rodríguez, B.; Cabrejas Martínez, L.; Gutiérrez Ortiz, C.; Rojas, P.; Fraile Maya, J.; Blanco Calvo, N.; Muñoz Negrete, F.
    Objetivo Estimar la epidemiología (incidencia y prevalencia) de la neuropatía óptica de Leber (NOHL) en la comunidad autónoma de Madrid (CM). Material y métodos Los neuroftalmólogos que trabajan en los hospitales públicos de la CAM fueron entrevistados telefónicamente. Se les preguntó por el número de pacientes con NOHL que habían diagnosticados durante el tiempo que han sido responsables de la consulta de neuroftalmología de ese hospital público. El tiempo trabajado y la población atendida por el hospital se utilizaron para calcular el número de habitantes-años en seguimiento por cada centro durante el periodo correspondiente y estimar la incidencia en cada área. La prevalencia estimada a partir de la incidencia (PEI) se calculó considerando que un paciente con NOHL vive unos 40 años con la enfermedad. Se registró la información básica de cada caso cuando estaba disponible (sexo, fecha de nacimiento, mutación, fecha de la pérdida visual) para evitar duplicaciones. Resultados Nuestro trabajo estima una incidencia global de 2,34 casos por cada 10.000.000 habitantes-año y una PEI de 1 caso por cada 106.682 habitantes. Esta prevalencia es inferior a la referida por otros estudios. Conclusión Este trabajo constituye la primera aproximación a la epidemiología de esta enfermedad en España. La prevalencia estimada de la NOHL en la CM es probablemente inferior a la reportada en la literatura en otras regiones. La prevalencia y la incidencia fueron homogéneamente bajas en las 26 áreas estudiadas.
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    Temporal and Spatial Correlation Between Choroidal Thickness and Visual Function in a Case of POEMS Syndrome.
    (Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 2016) González Martín-Moro, Julio; Contreras, Inés; Pilo de la Fuente, Belén; Gómez Sanz, Fernando
    Purpose: To report the correlation between visual function and subfoveal choroidal thickness (SChT) in a case of POEMS syndrome. Case report: A 53 year old man diagnosed with POEMS syndrome was referred due to blurred vision. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.5 in his right eye (RE) and 0.7 in his left eye (LE), with a mild perimetric defect in the RE. SChT was 356 and 263 µm in his RE and LE. After an autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation, both visual and systemic symptoms improved. At the most recent visit, SChT was 284 and 222 µm in his RE and LE, BCVA was 1.2 in both eyes and the perimetric defects had improved. Conclusions: SChT was inversely correlated with visual function in space and time. Due to the high sensitivity of choroidal tissue to vascular endothelial growth factor, SChT might be useful to monitor disease activity in POEMS.
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    Influence of Main Ocular Variables in #TheDress Perception: An Ophthalmic Survey.
    (Perception, 2021) González Martín-Moro, Julio; Contreras, Inés; Fuentes Vega, Irene; Prieto Garrido, Francisco; Castro Rebollo, María; González Manrique, Mar; Gómez Sanz, Fernando; Zamora, Javier
    The objective of this study is to study the influence of ocular variables in the perception of #thedress and to develop a logistic regression model that could help predict it. This is a cross-sectional study on 1,100 subjects. People who did not report one of the two main perceptions were excluded from the study. Dress perception was codified as 0 (white&gold) or 1 (black&blue). The association between dress perception and demographic and main ocular variables (age, gender, binocular visual acuity, grade of nuclear cataract, crystalline lens status [phakic/pseudophakic], spherical equivalent, and ocular health status) was tested using logistic regression. Receiver operation curves were used to test the predictive value of the model. Several variables were found to be related with dress perception. The best model included three variables—Age: adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 1.02 (1.01–1.03), p = 0.08; ocular refraction: adjusted OR = 1.07 (1.02–1.12), p = 0.009; and nuclear cataract grade: adjusted OR = 1.45 (1.05–1.99), p = 0.026. The predictive value of the model was low (area under the curve = 0.62). Older age, nuclear cataract grade, and hyperopia were associated with black&blue perception. The predictive capacity of the developed model was poor. Only a small proportion of the variability in the #thedress perception can be explained by ocular examination.