Bonete Román, Saray

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Bonete Román



Educación y Psicología



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Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
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    Tendiendo puentes: el concepto de perdón de Enright y la teoría mimética de René Girard.
    (Dykinson, 2023) González Sosa, Isabel; Barahona Plaza, Ángel; Bonete Román, Saray; Molinero Caparrós, Clara
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    Generalization Task for Developing Social Problem-Solving Skills among Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
    (Children, 2022) Bonete Román, Saray; Molinero Caparrós, Clara; Garrido Zurita, Adrián
    This study aims to examine the usefulness of an ad hoc worksheet for an Interpersonal Problem-Solving Skills Program (SCI-Labour) the effectiveness of which was tested by Bonete, Calero, and Fernández-Parra (2015). Data were taken from 44 adolescents and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (age M = 19.73; SD = 3.53; 39 men and 5 women; IQ M = 96.27, SD = 15.98), compared to a matched group (in age, sex, and nonverbal IQ) of 48 neurotypical participants. The task was conceived to promote the generalization of interpersonal problem-solving skills by thinking on different possible scenarios in the workplace after the training sessions. The results show lower scores in the worksheet delivered for homework (ESCI-Generalization Task) in the ASD Group compared to neurotypicals in total scores and all domains (Problem Definition, Quality of Causes, and Solution Suitability) prior to program participation. In addition, after treatment, improvement of the ASD Group was observed in the Total Score ESCI-Generalization Task and in the domains of Problem Definition, Quality of Causes, Number or Alternatives and Consequences, Time, and Solution Suitability. This is a valuable task in furthering learning within the SCI-Labour Program and may be a supplementary material in addressing the difficulties of interpersonal skills within this population, both in the workplace and in daily life. In conclusion, this task may provide useful information for identifying key difficulties among this population and could be implemented in a clinical setting as a complement to the SCI-Labour Program.
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    Emotional Dysfunction and Interoceptive Challenges in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
    (Behavioral Sciences, 2023) Bonete Román, Saray; Molinero Caparrós, Clara; Ruisanchez, Daniela
    People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) frequently show impaired sensory processing in different senses, including the interoceptive system. Recent findings suggest that interoception is a fundamental component of emotional experience and that impaired interoception is associated with alexithymia. This study aims to explore the association and interrelation between interoceptive confusion, alexithymia, and the capacity for emotional regulation among a sample of 33 adults with ASD compared to a control group of 35 adults with neurotypical development and its mutual impact. The participants answered a series of questionnaires addressing these three variables. The results showed (1) significant differences between the groups in all dimensions, with dysfunctional emotional regulation, impaired interoception, and alexithymia in the ASD group, (2) significant correlations between interoceptive confusion, emotional clarity, and alexithymia in the ASD group but only positive correlations between interoceptive confusion and alexithymia in the CG, and (3) that emotional clarity, alexithymia, and autism explain 61% of the variance in interoceptive confusion. These results are in line with previous studies and suggest that training interoceptive ability may enhance emotional clarity and reduce alexithymia among those diagnosed with ASD, with significant implications in the planning of treatment.
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    Down-Town: Misterio en el metro. Un serious game dirigido a personas con síndrome de Down.
    (2015) Bonete Román, Saray; Ruano, Oscar; García Tejedor, Álvaro José; Psicología
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    Impacto del entrenamiento en habilidades interpersonales para la adaptación laboral en jóvenes con Síndrome de Asperger.
    (2013) Bonete Román, Saray; Calero García, María Dolores; Fernández Parra, Antonio; Departamento de Personalidad, evaluación y tratamiento psicológico.; Universidad de Granada
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    What does progenitors of people with ASD cope with? Systematic review of risk and prospective factors.
    (2018) Del Cid, Teresa; Bonete Román, Saray
    This study reviews the possible sources of stress, and the available sources of support and coping strategies embraced by parents of people with ASD. 42 empirical articles, published between 2008 and 2017 in quality scientific journals, were selected. The review showed that degree of symptoms’ severity and behavioural problems, parental stress, level of family income and future perception appear as the principal risk factors. Protective factors were marital satisfaction, communication skills, positive co-parenting, coping strategies, positive cognitions, hope, self-efficacy and social support. There is a need to create specific groups of care attention to provide tools and enhance the caregivers’ specific strengths and personal skills based on these factors to improve family resilience and quality of life.
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    Assessing self-forgiveness through the Enright Self-Forgiveness Inventory in the Spanish population: a validation study.
    (Frontiers in Psychology, 2023) Molinero Caparrós, Clara; Kasprzak, Agata; Bonete Román, Saray; Gallo Giunzioni, Karla
    Introduction: Self-forgiveness has been a complex construct to define, which has resulted in a shortage of instruments that adequately measure it as a process. In Spain, until now there is only one validated instrument to measure self-forgiveness, for this reason the present study aims to validate the Enright Self-Forgiveness Inventory (ESFI). Method: A sample of 276 people (84 men, 192 women) aged from 18 to 25 years, completed the Enright Self-Forgiveness Inventory (ESFI) after its adaptation to Spanish, as well as the Enright Forgiveness Inventory-30 (EFI-30), the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), the Short form of Social Desirability Scale (M-C SDS), the Scale of psychological wellbeing (RYFF) and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21). Results: The Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed a good fit for the original six-factors structure (CFI = 0.93, TLI = 0.92, RMSEA = 0.063). The results showed good psychometric qualities (both validity and reliability) and association between self-forgiveness and social desirability, depression, anxiety, narcissistic traits, and purpose in life as expected theoretically. Discussion: The ESFI-30 shows good psychometric properties within the Spanish context and is an appropriate instrument for evaluating self-forgiveness for research and clinical intervention.
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    Group training in interpersonal problem-solving skills for workplace adaptation of adolescents and adults with Asperger syndrome. A preliminary study.
    (Autism, 2014) Bonete Román, Saray; Calero, María Dolores; Fernández Parra, Antonio
    Adults with Asperger Syndrome show persistent difficulties in social situations which psychosocial treatments may address. Despite the multiple studies focusing on social skills interventions little have focused specifically on problem-solving skills and have not targeted workplace adaptation training in the adult population. This study describes preliminary data from a group format manual-based intervention, the Interpersonal Problem-Solving for Workplace Adaptation (SCI-Labour) Programme, aimed at improving the cognitive and metacognitive process of social problem-solving skills focusing on typical social situations in the workplace based on mediation as the main strategy. Fifty adults with Asperger syndrome received programme and were compared with a control group of typical development. The feasibility and effectiveness of the treatment were explored. Participants were assessed at pre-treatment and post-treatment on a task of social problem-solving skills and two secondary measures of socialisation and work profile using self- and caregiver-report. Using a variety of methods, the results showed that scores were significantly higher at post-treatment in the social problem-solving task and socialisation skills based on reports by parents. Differences in comparison to the control group had decreased after treatment. The treatment was acceptable to families and subject adherence was high. SCI-Labour Programme appears to be a feasible training programme.
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    Effectiveness of Manualised Interpersonal Problem-Solving Skills Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
    (Psicothema, 2016) Bonete Román, Saray; Molinero Caparrós, Clara; Mata, Sara; Calero, Mª Dolores; Gómez-Pérez, María del Mar
    Children with Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) frequently present a defi cit in interpersonal and social problem solving skills. The Interpersonal Problem-Solving Skills Programme for Children (SCIChildren) comprises 10 weekly, one hour sessions working on interpersonal abilities from a mediation strategy for training purposes. Method: The fi rst study explores the effectiveness of training through pre- and post-treatment evaluations of a sample of 22 children with ASD (7-13 years of age). The second study replicates the programme with 15 children who were assessed three times (three months before the programme starts, at the beginning of the training and at the end of it). Results: In the fi rst study, signifi cant differences were found in outcome measures (a parent-report subscale of a socialisation measure and child performance on one subscale and total scores of an interpersonal problem-solving skills task). Results in the second study showed no signifi cant changes in absence of the treatment during the waiting period and signifi cant changes after the treatment in the socialisation measure. Conclusions: These fi ndings suggest that the SCI-Children program causes positive impact on the participants. Further evaluation is warranted.