González García, Jaime

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González García



Ciencias de la Salud




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    Caffeine increases whole-body fat oxidation during 1 h of cycling at Fatmax.
    (European Journal of Nutrition, 2020) Ruiz Moreno, Carlos; Gutiérrez Hellín, Jorge; Amaro Gahete, Francisco J.; González García, Jaime; Giráldez Costas, Verónica; Pérez García, Víctor; Del Coso, Juan
    Purpose The ergogenic effect of caffeine on exercise of maximum intensity has been well established. However, there is controversy regarding the effect of caffeine on shifting substrate oxidation at submaximal exercise. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of acute caffeine ingestion on whole-body substrate oxidation during 1 h of cycling at the intensity that elicits maximal fat oxidation (Fatmax). Methods In a double-blind, randomized, and counterbalanced experiment, 12 healthy participants (VO2max = 50.7 ± 12.1 mL/ kg/min) performed two acute experimental trials after ingesting either caffeine (3 mg/kg) or a placebo (cellulose). The trials consisted of 1 h of continuous cycling at Fatmax. Energy expenditure, fat oxidation rate, and carbohydrate oxidation rate were continuously measured by indirect calorimetry. Results In comparison to the placebo, caffeine increased the amount of fat oxidized during the trial (19.4 ± 7.7 vs 24.7 ± 9.6 g, respectively; P = 0.04) and decreased the amount of carbohydrate oxidized (94.6 ± 30.9 vs 73.8 ± 32.4 g; P = 0.01) and the mean self-perception of fatigue (Borg scale= 11 ± 2 vs 10 ± 2 arbitrary units; P = 0.05). In contrast, caffeine did not modify total energy expenditure (placebo = 543 ± 175; caffeine = 559 ± 170 kcal; P = 0.60) or mean heart rate (125 ± 13 and 127 ± 9 beats/min; P = 0.30) during exercise. Before exercise, caffeine increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure whilst it increased the feelings of nervousness and vigour after exercise (P < 0.05). Conclusion These results suggest that a moderate dose of caffeine (3 mg/kg) increases the amount of fat oxidized during 1 h of cycling at Fatmax. Thus, caffeine might be used as an effective strategy to enhance body fat utilization during submaxi- mal exercise. The occurrence of several side effects should be taken into account when using caffeine to reduce body fat in populations with hypertension or high sensitivity to caffeine.
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    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Differences in Mean Propulsive Velocity between Men and Women in Different Exercises.
    (Sports, 2023) Nieto-Acevedo, Raúl; Romero Moraleda, Blanca; Díaz Lara, Francisco Javier; De la Rubia, Alfonso; González García, Jaime; Mon-López, Daniel
    The purpose of this paper was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies examining the differences in the mean propulsive velocities between men and women in the different exercises studied (squat, bench press, inclined bench press and military press). Quality Assessment and Validity Tool for Correlational Studies was used to assess the methodological quality of the included studies. Six studies of good and excellent methodological quality were included. Our meta-analysis compared men and women at the three most significant loads of the force–velocity profile (30, 70 and 90% of 1RM). A total of six studies were included in the systematic review, with a total sample of 249 participants (136 men and 113 women). The results of the main meta-analysis indicated that the mean propulsive velocity is lower in women than men in 30% of 1RM (ES = 1.30 ± 0.30; CI: 0.99–1.60; p < 0.001) and 70% of 1RM (ES = 0.92 ± 0.29; CI: 0.63, 1.21; p < 0.001). In contrast, for the 90% of the 1RM (ES = 0.27 ± 0.27; CI: 0.00, 0.55), we did not find significant differences (p = 0.05). Our results support the notion that prescription of the training load through the same velocity could cause women to receive different stimuli than men.
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    Effects of p-Synephrine during Exercise: A Brief Narrative Review.
    (Nutrients, 2021) Ruiz Moreno, Carlos; Del Coso, Juan; Girález Costas, Verónica; González García, Jaime; Gutiérrez Hellín, Jorge
    The p-synephrine is the principal phytochemical found in bitter orange (Citrus aurantium). This substance is widely included in dietary supplements for weight loss/body fat reduction due to its potential benefits of increasing fat oxidation. For years, p-synephrine-containing dietary supplements have been marketed without proper knowledge of their true effectiveness to enhance fat utilization, especially when combined with exercise. However, the effects of p-synephrine on fat oxidation during exercise have been investigated in the last few years. The aim of the current discussion is to summarize the evidence on the effects of p-synephrine intake on fat oxidation and performance during exercise. Previous investigations have demonstrated that the acute intake of p-synephrine does not modify running sprint performance, jumping capacity, or aerobic capacity. However, the acute intake of p-synephrine, in a dose of 2–3 mg/kg of body mass, has been effective to enhance the rate of fat oxidation during incremental and continuous exercise. This effect has been observed in a range of exercise workloads between 30% and 80% of peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak). The p-synephrine has the ability to increase the maximal rate of fat oxidation during exercise of increasing intensity without affecting the workload at which maximal fat oxidation is obtained (Fatmax). The effect of p-synephrine on fat oxidation is normally accompanied by a concomitant reduction of carbohydrate utilization during exercise, without modifying the energy expended during exercise. The shifting in substrate oxidation is obtained without any effect on heart rate during exercise and the prevalence of adverse effects is negligible. Thus, the acute use of p-synephrine, or p-synephrine-containing products, might offer some benefits for those individuals seeking higher fat utilization during exercise at low to moderate intensities. However, more research is still necessary to determine if the effect of p-synephrine on fat oxidation during exercise is maintained with chronic ingestion, in order to ascertain the utility of this substance in conjunction with exercise programs to produce an effective body fat/weight loss reduction.
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    Acute caffeine supplementation enhances several aspects of shot put performance in trained athletes.
    (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2022) Giráldez Costas, Verónica; Aguilar Navarro, Millán; González García, Jaime; Del Coso, Juan; Salinero, Juan José
    The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of a moderate dose of caffeine (3 mg/kg/b.m.) on muscular power and strength and shot put performance in trained athletes. Methods. Thirteen shot putters (eight men and five women) participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized experiment. In two different trials, participants ingested either 3 mg/kg/b.m. of caffeine or a placebo. Forty-five min after substance ingestion, athletes performed a handgrip dynamometry test, a countermovement jump (CMJ), a squat jump (SJ), and a maximum-velocity push-up. The athletes also performed three types of throws: a backwards throw, a standing shot put and a complete shot put. Results. In comparison with the placebo, caffeine ingestion increased CMJ height (32.25 ± 7.26 vs. 33.83 ± 7.72 cm, respectively; effect size (ES) = 0.82, p = 0.012; +5.0%;) and SJ height (29.93 ± 7.88 vs. 31.40 ± 7.16 cm; ES = 0.63, p = 0.042; +6.4%) and distance in the standing shot put (10.27 ± 1.77 m vs. 10.55 ± 1.94 m; ES = 0.87, p = 0.009; +2.6%). However, caffeine ingestion did not increase strength in the handgrip test, power in the ballistic push-up, or distance in the backwards throw (all p > 0.05). Shot put performance changed from 11.24 ± 2.54 to 11.35 ± . 2.57 m (ES = 0.33, p = 0.26; +1.0%), although the difference did not reach statistically significant differences. Caffeine ingestion did not increase the prevalence of side effects (nervousness, gastrointestinal problems, activeness, irritability, muscular pain, headache, and diuresis) in comparison with the placebo (p > 0.05). Conclusion. In summary, caffeine ingestion with a dose equivalent to 3 mg/kg/b.m. elicited moderate improvements in several aspects of physical performance in trained shot putters but with a small effect on distance in a complete shot put.
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    Effects of 3 mg/kg Body Mass of Caffeine on the Performance of Jiu-Jitsu Elite Athletes.
    (Nutrients, 2022) Merino Fernández, María; Giráldez Costas, Verónica; González García, Jaime; Gutiérrez Hellín, Jorge; González Millán, Cristina; Matos Duarte, Michelle; Ruiz Moreno, Carlos
    The effects of caffeine were investigated in judo, boxing, taekwondo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. However, this substance was never investigated regarding traditional jiu-jitsu. Therefore, the aim of this research was to analyze the effects of caffeine in the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) and technical variables during combat in traditional jiu-jitsu elite athletes. Methods: Twenty-two young professionals of traditional jiu-jitsu, 11 men and 11 women (age = 22 ± 4 (18–33) years, body mass = 66.6 ± 10.8 (46.2–86.1) kg, height = 1.70 ± 0.9 (1.55–1.85) m) with 15 ± 7 years of experience in traditional jiu-jitsu, participated in a double-blind, counterbalanced, crossover study. In two different conditions, the traditional jiu-jitsu athletes ingested 3 mg/kg body mass of caffeine or a placebo. After 60 min, they performed the SJFT test to measure throwing performance, and subsequently, combat to analyze offensive and defensive hitting techniques. Results: Caffeine had a main effect on the number of throws during the SJFT test (P < 0.01). In addition, it was effective in sets 2 (13 ± 2 vs. 14 ± 2; p = 0.01) and 3 (12 ± 2 vs. 13 ± 1; p = 0.03). There was also a main effect during the test on heart rate when caffeine was ingested (F = 12.48, p < 0.01). The effects of caffeine were similar compared to the placebo condition regarding performance during combat both in offensive and defensive fighting variables Conclusions: the pre-exercise ingestion of 3 mg/kg body mass of caffeine increased performance in the SJFT test, decreased fatigue perception, and increased power and endurance perception in professionally traditional jiu-jitsu athletes. However, it did not seem to improve offensive and defensive technical actions during combat.
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    Effects of beetroot juice intake on repeated performance of competitive swimmers.
    (Frontiers In Physiology, 2023) Moreno Heredero, Berta; Morencos Martínez, Esther; Vicente Campos, Davinia; Muñoz Moreno, Alejandro; González García, Jaime; Veiga, Santiago
    Background: Beetroot juice is a sport supplement with a high level of evidence on the physical performance enhancement. However, in swimming, there is no clear data about the effects of beetroot juice on performance. Objective: To investigate whether an acute intake of beetroot juice (BJ) improves the performance of competitive swimmers in a repeated maximum swimming effort. Method: Thirteen national-level swimmers (six females and seven males), participated in this randomized, double-blind crossover study. In two different trials, swimmers ingested a 70-mL placebo shot (.04 mmol NO3−; PLA) or a 70-mL Beet-It shot (6.4 mmol of NO3−beet juice [BJ]) 3 h before undergoing a 6 × 100-m front-crawl maximal effort test with 7 min rest between each 100 m. Results: Overall, 100-m times showed no difference between the BJ and PLA groups (p = .364), although a possibly shorter time was observed for BJ in the last repetition (p = .104; mean difference [MD] = −.99 s, mean-based inference [MBI] = 49/51/0). Participants in the BJ condition showed a possibly lower rate of perceived exertion in the first (p = .242, MD = −.85, MBI = 70/28/2) and second repetitions (p = .165, MD = 1.15, MBI = 83/16/1), whereas Total Quality Recovery scale scores were likely higher in the first (p = .110, MD = 1.15, MBI = 83/16/1) and third (p = .082, MD = −.77, MBI = 70/29/1) repetitions compared with those in the PLA group. Blood lactate concentration [La+] levels showed no differences between groups in any of the repetitions (p > .05, unclear), and we observed an increase in 100-m times for both BJ and PLA (BJ: p = .014, MD = −1.51 s; PLA: p = .029, MD = −1.57 s) after the fifth repetition. Conclusion: No clear differences in performance were observed in a 6 × 100-m repeated sprint test by competitive swimmers when supplementing (or not) with BJ. However, there was a trend toward a better recovery between efforts and a better tolerance of fatigue when swimmers ingested BJ.
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    Internal workload in elite female football players during the whole in-season: starters vs non-starters
    (Biology of Sport, 2023) Romero Moraleda, Blanca; González García, Jaime; Morencos Martínez, Esther; Giráldez-Costas, Verónica; Moya, José María; Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo
    The aim of this study was to quantify weekly internal workload across the in-season and compare the workload variables between starter and non-starter Spanish female first league (Liga Iberdrola) football players. Twenty-six participants belonging to the same team (age, height, and mass: 25.4 ± 6.1 years, 167.4±4.8 cm and 57.96±6.28 kg, respectively) participated in this study. Training loads (TL) and match loads(ML) were assessed through breath-cardiovascular (RPEbreath), leg-musculature (RPEleg) and cognitive (RPEcog) rating of perceived exertion (RPE0–10) for each training session and match during the in-season phase (35 weeks). Session-RPE (sRPE) was calculated by multiplying each RPE value by session duration (minutes). From these, total weekly TL (weekly TL+ML), weekly TL, weekly ML, chronic workload, acute:chronic workload ratio, training monotony, and training strain were calculated. Linear mixed models were used to assess differences for each dependent variable, with playing time (starter vs non-starter players) used as a fixed factor, and athlete, week, and team asrandom factors. The results showed that total weekly TL(d = 1.23–2.04), weekly ML(d = 4.65–5.31), training monotony (d = 0.48–1.66) and training strain (d = 0.24–1.82) for RPEbreath, RPEleg and RPEcog were higher for starters in comparison with non-starters (p = 0.01). Coaches involved in elite female football should consider implementing differentialsRPE monitoring strategiesto optimize the weekly load distribution for starters and non-starters and to introduce compensatory strategies to equalise players’ total weekly load.
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    Time Course and Magnitude of Tolerance to the Ergogenic Effect of Caffeine on the Second Ventilatory Threshold.
    (Life, 2020) Ruiz Moreno, Carlos; Lara, Beatriz; Gutiérrez Hellín, Jorge; González García, Jaime; Del Coso, Juan
    Pre‐exercise caffeine ingestion has been shown to increase the workload at ventilatory threshold, suggesting an ergogenic effect of this stimulant on submaximal aerobic exercise. However, the time course of tolerance to the effect of caffeine on ventilatory threshold is unknown. This study aimed to determine the evolution of tolerance to the ergogenic effect of caffeine on the ventilatory threshold. Methods: Eleven participants (age 32.3 ± 4.9 yrs, height 171 ± 8 cm, body mass 66.6 ± 13.6 kg, VO2max = 48.0 ± 3.8 mL/kg/min) took part in a longitudinal, double‐blind, placebocontrolled, randomized, crossover experimental design. Each participant took part in two identical treatments: in one treatment, participants ingested a capsule containing 3 mg of caffeine per kg of body mass per day (mg/kg/day) for twenty consecutive days; in the other treatment, participants ingested a capsule filled with a placebo for the same duration and frequency. During these treatments, participants performed a maximal ramp test on a cycle ergometer three times per week and the second ventilatory threshold (VT2) was assessed by using the ventilatory equivalents for oxygen and carbon dioxide. Results: A two‐way ANOVA with repeated measures (substance x time) revealed statistically significant main effects of caffeine (p < 0.01) and time (p = 0.04) on the wattage obtained at VT2, although there was no interaction (p = 0.09). In comparison to the placebo, caffeine increased the workload at VT2 on days 1, 4, 6 and 15 of ingestion (p < 0.05). The size of the ergogenic effect of caffeine over the placebo on the workload at VT2 was progressively reduced with the duration of the treatment. In addition, there were main effects of caffeine (p = 0.03) and time (p = 0.16) on VO2 obtained at VT2, with no interaction (p = 0.49). Specifically, caffeine increased oxygen uptake at VT2 on days 1 and 4 (p < 0.05), with no other caffeine–placebo differences afterwards. For heart rate obtained at VT2, there was a main effect of substance (p < 0.01), while the overall effect of time (p = 0.13) and the interaction (p = 0.22) did not reach statistical significance. Heart rate at VT2 was higher with caffeine than with the placebo on days 1 and 4 (p < 0.05). The size of the effect of caffeine on VO2 and heart at VT2 tended to decline over time. Conclusion: Pre‐exercise intake of 3 mg/kg/day of caffeine for twenty days enhanced the wattage obtained at VT2 during cycling ramp tests for ~15 days of ingestion, while there was a progressive attenuation of the size of the ergogenic effect of caffeine on this performance variable. Therefore, habituation to caffeine through daily ingestion may reduce the ergogenic effect of this stimulant on aerobic exercise of submaximal intensity.
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    Effects of Vibration and Non-Vibration Foam Rolling on Recovery after Exercise with Induced Muscle Damage.
    (Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2019) Romero Moraleda, Blanca; González García, Jaime; Cuéllar Rayo, Ángel; Balsalobre Fernández, Carlos; Muñoz García, Daniel; Morencos Martínez, Esther
    We aimed to compare the effects between non-vibration foam rolling (NVFR) and vibration foam rolling (VFR) on visual analogic scale (VAS), pressure pain threshold (PPT), oxygen saturation (SmO2), countermovement jump (CMJ) and hip and knee range of movement (ROM) after eliciting muscle damage through eccentric acute exercise using an inertial flywheel. Thirty-eight healthy volunteers (32 men, 6 women; aged 22.2±3.2 years) were randomly assigned in a counter-balanced fashion to either a VFR or NVFR protocol group. All participants performed a 10x10 (sets x repetitions) eccentric squat protocol to induce muscle damage. The protocols were administered 48-h post-exercise, measuring VAS, PPT, SmO2, CMJ and ROM, before and immediately post-treatment. The treatment technique was repeated on both legs for 1 minute for a total of five sets, with a 30-s rest between sets. The VFR group showed substantially greater improvements (likely to very likely) in the passive VAS (VFR -30.2%, 90% CI -66.2 to -12.8) with chances for lower, similar or greater VAS compared with the NVFR group of 82%, 14% and 4%, respectively and passive extension hip joint ROM (VFR 9.3%, 90% CI 0.2–19.2) with chances for lower, similar or greater ROM compared with the NVFR group of 78%, 21% and 1%, respectively. For intragroup changes, we observed substantial improvements in VAS (p=.05), lateral vastus, rectus femoris and medial vastus PPT. The results suggest that the VFR group achieved greater short-term benefits in pain perception and passive extension hip joint ROM. Both protocols were effective in improving PPT, SmO2, CMJ and knee joint ROM. The enhanced improvement in VAS and hip ROM measures could have significant implications for VFR treatment.
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    Caffeine increases exercise intensity and energy expenditure but does not modify substrate oxidation during 1 h of self-paced cycling.
    (European Journal of Nutrition, 2022) Ruiz Moreno, Carlos; Amaro-Gahete, Francisco J.; González García, Jaime; Giráldez-Costas, Verónica; Mañas, Asier; Gutiérrez Hellín, Jorge; Del Coso, Juan
    Aim Oral caffeine intake has been deemed as an effective supplementation strategy to enhance fat oxidation during aerobic exercise with a steady-state intensity. However, in real exercise scenarios, individuals habitually train with autoregulation of exercise intensity. This study aimed to analyze the effect of oral caffeine intake during self-paced cycling on autoregulated exercise intensity and substrate oxidation. Methods Fifteen young and healthy participants (11 men and 4 women) participated in a double-blind, randomized, cross-over investigation. Each participant took part in 2 experimental days consisting of pedaling for 1 h with a self-selected wattage. Participants were told that they had to exercise at a moderate intensity to maximize fat oxidation. On one occasion participants ingested 3 mg/kg of caffeine and on the other occasion ingested a placebo. Energy expenditure, fat oxidation rate, and carbohydrate oxidation rate were continuously measured during exercise by indirect calorimetry. Results In comparison to the placebo, caffeine intake increased the self-selected wattage (on average, 105 ± 44 vs 117 ± 45 W, respectively, P < 0.001) which represented a higher total work during the cycling session (377 ± 157 vs 422 ± 160 kJ, P < 0.001). Caffeine increased total energy expenditure (543 ± 161 vs 587 ± 155 kcal, P = 0.042) but it did not affect total fat oxidation (24.7 ± 12.2 vs 22.9 ± 11.5 g, P = 0.509) or total carbohydrate oxidation (87.4 ± 22.4 vs 97.8 ± 32.3 g, P = 0.101). Conclusion Acute caffeine ingestion before an exercise session with an individual's freedom to regulate intensity induces a higher self-selected exercise intensity and total work. The selection of a higher exercise intensity augments total energy expenditure but eliminates the effect of caffeine on substrate oxidation during exercise.