García Haro, Juan Miguel

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Juan Miguel

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García Haro



Escuela Politécnica Superior



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  • Item
    Non-homogeneous reaction in a non-linear diffusion operator with advection to model a mass transfer process.
    (Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation, 2022) Díaz Palencia, José Luis; Prieto Muñoz, Federico; García Haro, Juan Miguel
    It is the objective to provide a mathematical treatment of a nonhomogeneous and non-lipschitz reaction problem with a non-linear diffusion and advection operator, so that it can be applied to a fire extinguishing process in aerospace. The main findings are related with the existence and characterization of a finite propagation support that emerges in virtue of the the non-linear diffusion formulation. It is provided a precise assessment on different times associated to the extinguisher discharge process. Particularly, the time required to activate the discharge, the time required for the extinguisher front to cover the whole domain, the time required to reach a minimum level of concentration so as to extinguish a fire and the time required by the agent to reach some difficult dead zones where the extinguisher propagates only by diffusion and no advection. The equation proposed is firstly discussed from a mathematical perspective to find analytical solutions and propagating profiles. Afterwards, the application exercise is introduced.
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    Heterogeneous Diffusion, Stability Analysis, and Solution Profiles for a MHD Darcy–Forchheimer Model.
    (Mathematics, 2022) Díaz Palencia, José Luis; Rahman, Saeed; García Haro, Juan Miguel
  • Item
    Service Robots in Catering Applications: A Review and Future Challenges.
    (Electronics, 2021) García Haro, Juan Miguel; Oña, Edwin Daniel; Hernández Vicen, Juan; Martínez, Santiago; Balaguer, Carlos
    “Hello, I’m the TERMINATOR, and I’ll be your server today”. Diners might soon be feeling this greeting, with Optimus Prime in the kitchen and Wall-E then sending your order to C-3PO. In our daily lives, a version of that future is already showing up. Robotics companies are designing robots to handle tasks, including serving, interacting, collaborating, and helping. These service robots are intended to coexist with humans and engage in relationships that lead them to a better quality of life in our society. Their constant evolution and the arising of new challenges lead to an update of the existing systems. This update provides a generic vision of two questions: the advance of service robots, and more importantly, how these robots are applied in society (professional and personal) based on the market application. In this update, a new category is proposed: catering robotics. This proposal is based on the technological advances that generate new multidisciplinary application fields and challenges. Waiter robots is an example of the catering robotics. These robotic platforms might have social capacities to interact with the consumer and other robots, and at the same time, might have physical skills to perform complex tasks in professional environments such as restaurants. This paper explains the guidelines to develop a waiter robot, considering aspects such as architecture, interaction, planning, and execution