Jiménez-Guirado, Beatriz

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    New environmental factors related to diabetes risk in humans: Emerging bisphenols used in synthesis of plastics.
    (World Journal of Diabetes, 2023) Moreno-Gómez-Toledano, Rafael; Delgado-Marín, María; Cook-Calvete, Alberto; González-Cucharero, Claudia; Alcharani, Nunzio; Jiménez-Guirado, Beatriz; Hernandez, Ignacio; Ramírez Carracedo, Rafael; Tesoro Santos, Laura; Botana, Laura; Sánchez-Esteban, Sandra; Diez-Mata, Javier; Zamorano, Jose Luis; Bosch, Ricardo J.; Zaragoza Sánchez, Carlos; Saura Redondo, Marta
    BACKGROUND Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the largest global health emergencies of the 21st century. In recent years, its connection with environmental pollutants, such as bisphenol A (BPA), has been demonstrated; consequently, new structurally similar molecules are used to replace BPA in the plastics industry (BPS, BPF and BPAF). AIM To carry out a systematic review to allow coherent evaluation of the state of the art. Subsequently, a meta-analysis was performed to unify the existing quantitative data. METHODS Firstly, a systematic review was carried out, using the terms “(bisphenol) AND (Diabetes OR Hyperglycemia)”, to maximize the number of results. Subsequently, three authors analyzed the set of articles. Finally, a meta-analysis was performed for each BP, using RevMan software. In addition, funnel plots were developed to study publication bias. RESULTS The systematic analysis of the literature revealed 13 recent articles (2017–2023) related to the study paradigm. The qualitative analysis showed interesting data linking diabetes to the three most widely used substitute BPs in the industry: BPS, BPF and BPAF. Finally, the meta-analysis determined a positive relationship with BPS, BPF and BPAF, which was only statistically significant with BPS. CONCLUSION There is a need to apply the precautionary principle, regulating the use of new BPs. Therefore, replacing BPA with BPS, BPF or BPAF is unlikely to protect the population from potential health risks, such as DM
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    NIL10: A New IL10-Receptor Binding Nanoparticle That Induces Cardiac Protection in Mice and Pigs Subjected to Acute Myocardial Infarction through STAT3/NF-kB Activation.
    (Pharmaceutics, 2022) Tesoro Santos, Laura; Hernández, Ignacio; Ramírez Carracedo, Rafael; Díez-Mata, Javier; Alcharani, Nunzio; Jiménez-Guirado, Beatriz; Ovejero-Paredes, Karina; Filice, Marco; Zamorano, Jose Luis; Saura, Marta; Zaragoza Sánchez, Carlos; Botana, Laura
    Background: Early response after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) prevents extensive cardiac necrosis, in which inflammation resolution, including expression of anti-inflammatory interleukin-10 (IL-10), may play a key role. (2) Methods: We synthesized NIL10, a micelle-based nanoparticle, to target IL-10 receptor in mice and pigs subjected to AMI. (3) Results: Administration of NIL10 induced cardiac protection of wild-type and IL-10 knockout mice and pigs subjected to AMI. Cardiac protection was not induced in IL-10-receptor null mice, as shown by a significant recovery of cardiac function, in which inflammatory foci and fibrosis were strongly reduced, together with the finding that resolving M2-like macrophage populations were increased after day 3 of reperfusion. In addition, anti-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-4, IL-7, IL-10, IL-13, IL-16, and IL-27 were also elevated. Mechanistically, NIL10 induced activation of the IL-10 receptor/STAT-3 signaling pathway, and STAT3-dependent inhibition of nuclear translocation of pro-inflammatory NF-kB transcription factor. (4) Conclusions: Taken together, we propose using NIL10 as a novel therapeutic tool against AMI-induced cardiac damage