Martín Martínez, Laura

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Martín Martínez



Educación y Psicología



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  • Item
    Questionnaire on the Training Profile of a Learning Therapy Specialist: Creation and Validation of the Instrument.
    (Sustainability, 2020) Martín Martínez, Laura; Vela Llaurado, Esther
    This article provides a description of the creation and validation process for a questionnaire designed to analyze the initial training received by students of degree programs in pre-primary and primary education, specializing in learning therapy. The instrument consists of 175 items in three sections: the first collects sociodemographic data; the second analyzes the initial training received; and the third and final section analyzes the perception of this initial training. The questionnaire was subjected to a double validation process: an evaluation by a panel of experts and a pilot group, these permitted the validation of the content and construct, as well as the corresponding reliability assessment. The results confirm the validity of the questionnaire with an excellent reliability index, allowing the e ective evaluation of the training profile of learning therapy specialists.
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    Acoso escolar y TEA.
    (Dykinson, 2021) Íñigo Martínez, Alma María; Sáinz López, Vanesa; Martín Martínez, Laura; Vela Llaurado, Esther
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    Evaluation of a blended learning model for pre-service teachers.
    (Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 2020) Martín Martínez, Laura; Sáinz López, Vanesa; Rodríguez Legendre, Fidel
    This study aims to determine the predictive factors for effective teaching in blended learning contexts. A Blended Learning Evaluation Scale was devised. The participants were 145 first-year students studying for education degrees using a blended learning model. An exploratory factorial analysis revealed five factors for establishing a good model of blended teaching and learning: student expectations on their learning subjects, the use of web 2.0 tools, feedback from teachers, collaborative work among fellow classmates, and the social relations among students themselves and with their professors.
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    Diversid-arte: el arte como vía de atención a la diversidad con alumnos con necesidades especiales.
    (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2015) Martín Martínez, Laura; Ruiz Varela, Gemma; Ros Bernal, Ignacio
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    Analysis of the Functioning of Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Psychometric Study of the Family APGAR Scale.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023) Serrano, Laura; Vela Llaurado, Esther; Martín Martínez, Laura
    Normalised family functioning is a predictor of individual well-being. The diagnosis of a family member with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can alter the ordinary dynamics of family systems, having a variable impact on family functioning. This research employed a non-probability convenience sampling method to gather a sample of 327 families with and without children diagnosed with ASD. This study has dual objectives: to analyse the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Family APGAR Scale and to compare family functioning in families with and without a child with ASD. The results reveal several favourable psychometric properties in the application of the APGAR scale within families of children with ASD. The use of the Family APGAR Scale in the selected sample confirms that the functioning of families with children with ASD can be categorized as mildly dysfunctional, attributed to the inherent challenges in caring for and raising a child with ASD. The presence of ASD within family systems presents a challenge to typical family functioning, with significant differences observed between families with and without children with ASD. This underscores the necessity of implementing effective intervention programs based on empirical evidence to improve the quality of life for individuals with ASD and their families.
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    The Encounter: A Path to Educating in Beauty and Wonder for Students with ASD.
    (Analele Universităţii din Craiova, 2021) Soto García, O´Hara; Martín Martínez, Laura; Giraldo Giraldo, Sara; Vela Llaurado, Esther
    Our society operates at a frenetic pace, impeding our ability to perceive the world through the human capacity for wonder before beauty, placing more value on personal satisfaction than the truth. We must turn our gaze back to those aspects which guide our path in the world and allow us to discover truly the reality of things, with education being the point of departure. This capacity for wonder and beauty are a part of the essence of the human being and thus are independent of the abilities and disabilities of each individual because these particularities only serve to enrich us and make us unique. We can only engage with learning and perceive the world through our interrelation with others, through a culture of encounter. This encounter, when referring to persons with autism, demands more of the teacher than the child, given that it is they who must adapt to understand and accompany the child and valuing their particular manner of experiencing wonder and the beauty of the world.
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    La competencia digital en la atención del alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales. Una visión general del marco europeo para la competencia docente digital "DigCompEdu".
    (Digital Education Review, 2022) Serrano Fernández, Laura; Vela Llaurado, Esther; Martín Martínez, Laura; Rodríguez García, Cristina
    Vivimos en una época marcada por los avances tecnológicos. Desde el punto de vista educativo, se ha consolidado un modelo que requiere metodologías adaptadas a los medios digitales, lo que supone que el desarrollo de la competencia digital entre el profesorado sea un aspecto que ha cobrado especial importancia para adaptar la enseñanza a las necesidades individuales del alumnado, favoreciendo así la atención a las necesidades educativas especiales. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la competencia digital del profesorado especialista en atención a la diversidad. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo una investigación no experimental y descriptiva, con una muestra conformada por 60 docentes en activo del modelo educativo especial y del modelo ordinario. Como instrumento de análisis se ha utilizado el cuestionario europeo “DigCompEdu”. Los datos obtenidos permiten concluir que el nivel de competencia digital del profesorado que atiende a la diversidad del alumnado en los centros educativos especiales se encuentra en niveles inferiores respecto al manifestado por el profesorado de los centros ordinarios, observando diferencias estadísticamente significativas en tres de las áreas analizadas. Estas áreas están relacionadas con el uso de la competencia digital, la adaptación de estrategias de evaluación y el desarrollo de la competencia digital entre sus estudiantes.
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    Analysis of ASD Classrooms: Specialised Open Classrooms in the Community of Madrid.
    (Sustainability, 2020) Vela Llaurado, Esther; Martín Martínez, Laura; Martín Cruz, Inés
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) classrooms are specialised spaces within mainstream schools that respond to the educational needs of students with autism spectrum disorder. This research aims to analyse ASD classrooms in the Community of Madrid, their features and internal functioning. The research follows a non-experimental, descriptive and comparative methodology, making a comparison between di erent classrooms and analysing their impact on the teaching-learning process of students with ASD. The variables refer to the physical environment, the characteristics of the children, training of professionals and collaboration with other organisations. The data was gathered using a questionnaire in digital format, collecting responses from 35 schools, using quantitative techniques to relate variables. The results show that most classrooms have a structured organisation that meet the needs of the students, who are generally diagnosed with moderate severity. Furthermore, the relationship between the teachers of ASD classrooms and the mainstream classrooms promotes inclusive educational practice. Finally, it was found that ASD classrooms o er many benefits, due to the personalised attention they provide and the specialised training of teachers.