Iglesias López, María Teresa

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María Teresa

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Iglesias López



Ciencias de la Salud



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    Hábitos e ingesta de nutrientes en universitarios de la Comunidad de Madrid
    (2010-01-27T15:05:35Z) Congosto Luna, Elvira; Iglesias López, María Teresa
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    Living with Restrictions. The Perspective of Nursing Students with Primary Dysmenorrhea.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public health, 2020) Fernández Martínez, Elia; Abreu Sánchez, Ana; Velarde García, Juan Francisco; Iglesias López, María Teresa; Pérez Corrales, Jorge; Palacios Ceña, Domingo
    Primary dysmenorrhea (PD) affects a large number of female university students, diminishing their quality of life and hindering academic performance, representing a significant cause of absenteeism. The purpose of our study was to determine how nursing students experienced restrictions as a result of primary dysmenorrhea. A qualitative exploratory study was conducted among 33 nursing students with primary dysmenorrhea. A purposeful sampling strategy was applied. Data were collected from five focus groups (two sessions each) and the field notes of 10 researchers. A video meeting platform was used to conduct the focus groups. A thematic inductive analysis was performed. Thirty-three female nursing students participated in the study with a mean age of 22.72 (SD 3.46) years. Three broad themes emerged: (a) restrictions on daily activities and sports; (b) academic restrictions, and (c) restrictions on social and sexual relationships. The students described restrictions in performing everyday activities, such as carrying weight, and shopping. Some students even gave up the practice of sports and were absent from classes at the university, and from clinical practices at the hospital. The pain affected their ability to maintain and create new social relationships. Primary dysmenorrhea caused restrictions in the personal, social and academic life of the nursing students.
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    "Comprehensive Care" Concept in Nursing: Systematic Review.
    (Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 2022) Renghea, Alina Mariana; Cuevas Budhart, Miguel Ángel; Yébenes Revuelto, Hugo; Gómez del Pulgar, Mercedes; Iglesias López, María Teresa
    Introduction. Integrated health care is a concept widely used in the planning and organisation of nursing care. It is a highly topical concept, but at the same time it is deeply rooted in the theory and models of Nursing right from its inception as a science. There is no clear, agreed definition that describes it. Objective. To systematise the knowledge available on the concept of "comprehensive care" in Nursing from the point of view of nursing care, its domains and characteristics. Methods. A literature search has been carried out in several languages (Spanish, Portuguese, English and Romanian) in the databases Web of Science, Scopus, Medline, PubMed, Cochrane and Dialnet, covering the period between 2013 and 2019. The search terms used were: comprehensive health care, health and nursing. Prospero register 170327. Results. Sixteen documents were identified, which grouped 8 countries, mainly Brazil, being the country with the highest output on this context– 10 documents were found within the qualitative paradigm and 6 quantitative ones. The concept "Comprehensive" ; is commonly used to refer to comprehensive nursing care techniques, protocols, programmes and plans, covering care in all aspects of the individual as a complement to or independent of the clinical needs arising from health care. Conclusion. The definition of features pertaining to the concept "Comprehensive Care" ; encourages the use and standardisation of nursing care plans, improving patient follow-up, the detection of new risk factors, complications and new health problems not related to the reason for admission. This increases the capacity for prevention and improves the patient’s quality of life, and their primary and/or family caregivers, which translates into lower costs in the health system.
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    Management of Primary Dysmenorrhea among University Students in the South of Spain and Family Influence.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public health, 2020) Parra-Fernández, María Laura; Onieva-Zafra, María Dolores; Abreu-Sánchez, Ana; Ramos-Pichardo, Juan Diego; Iglesias López, María Teresa; Fernández-Martínez, Elia
    The present study analyses the management of primary dysmenorrhea by university students in the south of Spain. In this cross-sectional observational study, 224 women participated, using an ad hoc self-report questionnaire about menstrual pain and self-care and including sociodemographic and gynecological variables. Some 76.8% of participants consumed analgesics and the majority self-medicated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) without consulting a health professional, with a correlation between pain intensity and the number of pills ingested during menstruation (r = 0.151, p < 0.05). The higher proportion of women who found their analgesia effective were those who took medication after being prescribed by a health care provider (60.8%) compared to those who self-medicated (40%; p < 0.01). Only 43.8% employed non-pharmaceutical methods, most commonly antalgic positions, massages and local heat. These choices were not related to the intensity of menstrual pain nor with the severity of the dysmenorrhea, nor did these most common methods prove to be the most effective. However, a higher percentage of women using non-pharmacological methods was identified in women with family members suffering from dysmenorrhea (73.2%) compared to those without (60%; p = 0.040), which may indicate that the choice of remedies is more related to learning self-care in the family context. This study identifies the need for education on self-care and management of menstrual pain.
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    Relationship between Diet, Menstrual Pain and other Menstrual Characteristics among Spanish Students.
    (Nutrients, 2020) Onieva-Zafra, María Dolores; Fernández-Martínez, Elia; Abreu Sánchez, Ana; Iglesias López, María Teresa; García Padilla, Francisca María; Pedregal González, Miguel; Parra Fernández, María Laura
    This study sought to describe and compare adherence to the Mediterranean diet and consumption of local foods from the Huelva region among Spanish university women in relation to menstrual pain and other menstrual characteristics. This cross-sectional study included 311 health science students. The study variables were sociodemographic and gynecologic characteristics, adherence to the Mediterranean diet using the KIDMED questionnaire, alcohol consumption (SDU) and consumption of local food. A descriptive bivariate analysis and multiple binary regression were performed for menstrual pain. Up to 55.3% of participants had moderate adherence to the Mediterranean diet and only 29.6% had high adherence. Women with low adherence had longer menstrual cycles (p < 0.01). Eating less than two pieces of fruit per day (OR = 3.574; 95%CI = 1.474– 8.665; p < 0.05) and eating pulses more than one day a week (OR = 2.320; 95%CI = 1.006–5.348) raised the probability of suffering menstrual pain. A positive correlation between SDU and cycle length was identified (r = 0.119, p = 0.038), and menstrual bleeding was lower in women who consumed olive oil daily (p = 0.044). In conclusion, the Mediterranean diet, alcohol consumption and consuming typical foods from southern Spain appear to influence cycle length, menstrual flow and menstrual pain. Further research is necessary to confirm and expand these findings.
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    Are Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, Emotional Eating, Alcohol Intake, and Anxiety Related in University Students in Spain?.
    (Nutrients, 2020) Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Bernabeu Brotons, Elena; Iglesias López, María Teresa
    Research has suggested that university students are at risk from certain unhealthy habits, such as poor diet or alcohol abuse. At the same time, anxiety levels appear to be higher among university students, which may lead to high levels of emotional eating. The aim of this study was to analyze the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet (AMD), emotional eating, alcohol intake, and anxiety among Spanish university students, and the interrelationship of these variables. A total of 252 university students filled out the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) questionnaire for Mediterranean diet adherence, an Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, a State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Emotional Eater Questionnaire. We analyzed descriptive data, a t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for differences, a Pearson correlation, and multiple regression tests. Results showed low levels of AMD among university students (15.5%) and considerable levels of emotional eating (29%) and anxiety (23.6%). However, levels of alcohol dependence were low (2.4%). State-anxiety was a predictor of the emotional eater score and its subscales, and sex also was predictive of subscale guilt and the total score. However, AMD was predicted only by trait-anxiety. These models accounted for between 1.9% and 19%. The results suggest the need for the implementation of educational programs to promote healthy habits among university students at risk.
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    Nutrient intake, alcohol consumption, emotional eating and anxiety in women nursing students.
    (Heliyon, 2023) Iglesias López, María Teresa; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Bernabeu Brotons, Elena
    Objective The aim of the study was to analyze dietary habits, alcohol habits, emotional eating and anxiety in a sample of Spanish nursing students. These students appear to be essential to the field of public health and to teaching their future patients about their own good practices. Methods A cross-sectional investigation was conducted. Participants completed the Emotional Eater Questionnaire, the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) test to evaluate alcohol intake, the State-Trait anxiety Inventory (STAI) test to measure levels of anxiety as a state and anxiety as a trait, and self-reported sociodemographic data. Following classroom instruction, three-day food records were used to gauge food intake. Results The calorie intake for the macronutrients Ca, Mg, K, and Fe were below the Recommended Dietary Intakes (DRI) and imbalanced. The percentage E of proteins was 132.7 % more than recommended, while the percentage of carbohydrates is below the recommended level. Dietary energy consumption barely equaled 78 % of the total energy consumed by this sex and age group. With respect to emotional eating, nursing women students were low emotional eater (44 %) > emotional eater (30 %) > non-emotional eater (22.7 %). The students' emotional eating is substantially connected with fast food and sweets, or less healthy food intake behaviors. According to the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT), 82.7 % of female students used alcohol on a regular basis in a low-risk manner. Conclusion The findings demonstrated a link between anxiety and dietary fat intake. Trait anxiety was negatively connected with emotional eating (EE), whereas state anxiety was positively correlated with meat consumption. It is crucial to consider these findings when creating prevention/intervention plans and profiles of harmful eating behaviors.
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    Macronutrient Intake, Sleep Quality, Anxiety, Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and Emotional Eating among Female Health Science Undergraduate Students.
    (Nutrients, 2023) Díz Ureña, Germán; Hernández Iglesias, Sonsoles; Crespo Cañizares, Almudena; Renghea, Alina Mariana; Yébenes Revuelto, Hugo; Iglesias López, María Teresa
    Introduction: COVID-19 provoked a myriad of challenges for people’s health, poor life satisfaction and an unhealthy diet that could be associated with serious negative health outcomes and behaviours. University is a stressful environment that is associated with unhealthy changes in the eating behaviours of students. The association between diet and mental health is complex and bidirectional, depending on the motivation to eat; emotional eaters regulate their emotions through the increased consumption of comfort foods. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the nutritional habits, alcohol consumption, anxiety and sleep quality of female health science college students. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study of 191 female undergraduate students in Madrid was used. Their body mass index and waist hip ratio were measured. The questionnaires used included the Mediterranean Diet Adherence test, AUDIT, Emotional Eater Questionnaire, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and Food Addiction, Perceived Stress Scale and STAI questionnaires. Results: We observed a high intake of protein, fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Overall, 9.5% never had breakfast, and 66.5% consciously reduced their food intake. According to Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, they mainly slept 6–7 h, and 82% presented with a poor sleep quality; 13.5% presented moderate–high food addiction, and 35% had moderate Mediterranean Diet Adherence score. Conclusion: Female students’ macronutrient imbalances were noted, with a high-level protein and fat intake diet and a low proportion of carbohydrates and fibre. A high proportion of them need alcohol education and, depending on the social context, they mainly drank beer and spirits.
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    Preliminary study of dietary habiths in spanish free living elderly
    (2010-01-27T16:23:21Z) Iglesias López, María Teresa; González Conde, María; Congosto Luna, Elvira
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    Evaluación nutricional y de hábitos alimenticios en estudiantes de enfermería
    (2010-01-27T16:23:59Z) Iglesias López, María Teresa