Sotelo, Xiana

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Educación y Psicología




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    Diagnostic techniques, educational coaching, and group dynamics for improving teaching on college.
    (Proceedings of INTED2015 Conference, 2015) Rodríguez Legendre, Fidel; Queizán, Taissa; Sotelo, Xiana
    The objective of this research is to increase the interaction between college students to optimize their integration, performance and motivation. The methodology is based in the application of techniques of cognitive coaching education (USA), dialogic educational coaching (Spain) plus group dynamics adapted to the learning process. The phases of the research are: a-Tools Diagnosis: Application of sociometric, anagrams, interviewing techniques, and recordings to students (to build a profile on the interactive structure of the group), and evaluative reports by teachers. b-Application techniques and coaching techniques for both students and teachers: There are two modes: b.1) "Techniques of Cognitive coaching education" (between coach and teacher) based on "planned Conversation", "Comment" and "Reflective Conversation" (proposed by the researcher Donna Dildy). b.3 Group Dynamic for integration and for the learning process: “Phillips 66”, "Blind Football", "Role Play". c- Information Collection, balance and Conclusions: In the conclusions, it will be set if the techniques mentioned in the “b” phase allow integration of students, through a questionnaire, whose results will be analyzed and thus, to measure the effectiveness of the techniques described above
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    Differences and Similarities in the Discourse of Equality in Cross Cultural Academic Dialogues Europe-China.
    (CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 2018) Sotelo, Xiana
    In her paper "Differences and Similarities in the Discourse of Equality in Cross Cultural Academic Dialogues Europe-China" Xiana Sotelo provides an overall summary of the historical, political and socioeconomic context of Chinese women and their understanding of equality. The paper also embraces commonalities and nodal points between Chinese and European gender academics. In particular, it highlights the realization that cross-cultural misunderstandings are not triggered by essential differences among us, but by the ignorance of our particularities and specific contexts. The willingness to be open to the diversity of each other´s realities, and to reject hegemonic discourses of sameness, paves the way to recognize that women´s equality and liberation cannot be cross-culturally imposed. Retaining differences and interacting peacefully is the first step towards achieving intercultural cooperation and respect.