Un estudio de la IV Conferencia Mundial sobre las mujeres.
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Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
La IV Conferencia Mundial sobre las Mujeres, celebrada en la ciudad de Pekín, en septiembre de 1995 es hasta el momento la última que Naciones Unidas ha convocado para tratar específicamente los temas referidos a las mujeres. En este artículo se exponen los avances objetivos que se dieron a partir de la Conferencia, como fueron entre otros, el incremento del compromiso de la comunidad internacional en la potenciación del papel de la mujer –el llamado “empowerment”- y la integración sistemática de la perspectiva de género en las políticas –lo que se denomina como “mainstream”-. Por último, y para dar cuenta de los resultados de Pekín, estudiaremos las dos Conferencias de seguimiento que se celebraron en el año 2000 y 2005 en Nueva York.
The Fourth Women International World Conference held in Pekin, in September 1995, constitutes, up to the moment, the last one organized by United Nations in order to specifically deal with issues relating to women. In this paper, objective goals achieved after the conference –among others- as an increase in the international community’s commitment for women’s rol in the society–named empowerment- as well as the systematic integration of the gender perspective to policies –named mainstream- will be exposed. Finally, in order to evaluate the Conference of Pekin, we will analyse the two following monitoring conferences celebrated in New2000 and 2005 in New York.
The Fourth Women International World Conference held in Pekin, in September 1995, constitutes, up to the moment, the last one organized by United Nations in order to specifically deal with issues relating to women. In this paper, objective goals achieved after the conference –among others- as an increase in the international community’s commitment for women’s rol in the society–named empowerment- as well as the systematic integration of the gender perspective to policies –named mainstream- will be exposed. Finally, in order to evaluate the Conference of Pekin, we will analyse the two following monitoring conferences celebrated in New2000 and 2005 in New York.
Doctoral program
Conferencia de Pekín, Empoderamiento, Mainstream