Statins and psoriasis: Position statement by the Psoriasis Task Force of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology.

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Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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Background Psoriasis is associated with an increased mortality risk, with cardiovascular disease being the leading excess cause (in a dose–response manner with psoriasis severity). Statins have demonstrated a reduction in all-cause mortality with no excess of adverse events among the general population. The underuse of interventions in cardiovascular prevention, such as statins, for patients with psoriasis may be the result of an insufficient evaluation. Objectives To provide the dermatologist with a tool for systematizing the treatment of dyslipidemia in psoriasis, which generally escapes the scope of dermatological practice, and to facilitate decision-making about the referral and treatment of patients. Methods The Psoriasis Task Force of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology performed this two-phase study to achieve a consensus and create recommendations on the use of statin therapy in patients with psoriasis. The first phase included a systematic review to identify a list of outline concepts and recommendations according to guidelines. The second phase consisted in a two-round Delphi study to evaluate those recommendations not literally taken from guidelines. Results A list of 47 concepts and recommendations to be followed by dermatologists involved in the treatment of patients with moderate–severe psoriasis was created. It included six main concepts about cardiovascular risk and psoriasis, six items related with the role of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c) and the benefits of statin treatment in psoriasis patients, eight recommendations about how cardiovascular risk should be assessed, three on the role of non-invasive cardiovascular imaging, three on LDL-c thresholds, eight key points related to statin prescription, 10 on statin treatment follow-up and three on patient referral to another specialist. Conclusions The application of this position statement (close final list of concepts and recommendations) will help dermatologists to manage dyslipidemia and help psoriasis patients to reduce their cardiovascular risk.

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