External and internal loads during the competitive season in professional female soccer players according to their playing position: differences between training and competition.

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Research in Sports Medicine
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The aim of this study was to compare external (EL) and internal loads (IL) during training sessions compared to official matches between elite female soccer players according to their playing position. Training and match data were obtained during the 2017/18 season from eighteen players (age: 26.5±5.7 years; height: 164.4±5.3 cm; body mass: 58.56±5.58 kg) from a first Division Spanish team. The EL (total distance covered; high-speed running distance; number of accelerations and decelerations) was assessed with a Global Positioning System (GPS) and triaxial accelerometer. The IL was assessed with ratings of perceived exertion (RPE; and session-RPE). The EL and the IL from official matches were higher compared to training sessions (p<0.05; effect size [ES]:0.6–5.4). In matches, the EL was greater in Attackers (AT) and Central Midfielders (CM) versus Central Backs (p<0.05; ES:0.21–1.74). During training sessions, the EL was similar between playing positions (p>0.05; ES:0.03–0.87). The EL and the IL are greater in matches compared to training sessions, with greater match-related EL in AT and CM players. Current results may help practitioners to better understand and modulate training session’s loads according to playing position, potentially contributing to their performance readiness and injury risk reduction.

Doctoral program



Sports, Sports medicine, Human physical conditioning, Soccer

