Storytelling personal en política a través de Youtube.
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Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Una de las consecuencias de la americanización de las campañas electorales ha sido la incorporación
de los rasgos personales propios del candidato como eje discursivo central en la estrategia política,
implementando de este modo los parámetros propios de la personalización. Para ello, con frecuencia
se emplea el relato como forma narrativa, con lógicas propias de la corriente del storytelling, por lo que
estudiaremos el perfil de los políticos que han recurrido a esta técnica. Finalmente, reflexionaremos
acerca de las limitaciones que cabe oponer al empleo de esta técnica y de este tipo de contenidos.
One consequence of the tendency towards the americanization of election campaigns has been the incorporation of the candidate’s private characteristics as a central concept in the political discourse strategy, so it implements traditional parameters of personalization. To do this, the story is often used as narrative with logical that belongs to storytelling. Therefore, we will study the profile of politicians who have resorted to this technique. Finally, we will reflect on the limitations that can be contemplated about the use of this technique and this type of contents.
One consequence of the tendency towards the americanization of election campaigns has been the incorporation of the candidate’s private characteristics as a central concept in the political discourse strategy, so it implements traditional parameters of personalization. To do this, the story is often used as narrative with logical that belongs to storytelling. Therefore, we will study the profile of politicians who have resorted to this technique. Finally, we will reflect on the limitations that can be contemplated about the use of this technique and this type of contents.
Doctoral program
Comunicación política, Storytelling, YouTube