Level of agreement between midwives and obstetricians performing ultrasound examination during labor.

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International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
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Objective To evaluate the level of agreement between ultrasound measurements to evaluate fetal head position and progress of labor by attending midwives and obstetricians after appropriate training. Methods In this prospective study, women in the first stage of labor giving birth to a single baby in cephalic presentation at our Obstetric Unit between March 2018 and December 2019 were invited to participate; 109 women agreed. Transperineal and transabdominal ultrasound was independently performed by a trained midwife and an obstetrician. Two paired measurements were available for comparisons in 107 cases for the angle of progression (AoP), in 106 cases for the head-to-perineum distance (HPD), in 97 cases for the cervical dilatation (CD), and in 79 cases for the fetal head position. Results We found a good correlation between the AoP measured by obstetricians and midwives (intra-class correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.85; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.80–0.89). There was a moderate correlation between the HPD (ICC = 0.75; 95% CI 0.68–0.82). There was a very good correlation between the CD measured (ICC = 0.94; 95% CI 0.91–0.96). There was a very good level of agreement in the classification of the fetal head position (Cohen's κ = 0.89; 95% CI 0.80–0.98). Conclusions Ultrasound assessment of fetal head position and progress of labor can effectively be performed by attending midwives without previous experience in ultrasound.

Doctoral program



Ultrasound, Labor, Childbirth, Midwives, Cervical dilatation, Cervical examination

