Una aproximación a la educación mediática para el contacto con desconocidos en Internet.
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Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Los adolescentes se sienten atraídos por el hecho de establecer relaciones sociales a través de Internet.
Ante esta realidad surge la necesidad de conocer, con vistas a la prevención, los riesgos que implica entablar
contactos con desconocidos. Este estudio teórico propone criterios y competencias mediáticas para
comprender estos fenómenos. Se plantea también como base para una guía funcional y, en el plano comunicativo,
se orienta a padres, tutores, docentes y agentes vinculados a la vida digital de los adolescentes. Se
pretende evitar así los riesgos asociados y colaborar para que las relaciones establecidas se desplieguen de
modo creativo y crítico, tanto en el nivel personal como colectivo.
Teens are attracted to establish social relationships through Internet. Given this reality the need to know risks involved in the contact with unknown or strangers is arisen, in order to prevent them. This theoretical study proposed criteria and competencies to understand these phenomena. Similarly, is presented as a basis for a functional guide on the communicative level, for parents, counselors and agents linked to the digital lives of adolescents. Thus, it is intended to avoid the risks involved and to collaborate on that established relationships are creative and critical, both personally and collectively.
Teens are attracted to establish social relationships through Internet. Given this reality the need to know risks involved in the contact with unknown or strangers is arisen, in order to prevent them. This theoretical study proposed criteria and competencies to understand these phenomena. Similarly, is presented as a basis for a functional guide on the communicative level, for parents, counselors and agents linked to the digital lives of adolescents. Thus, it is intended to avoid the risks involved and to collaborate on that established relationships are creative and critical, both personally and collectively.
Doctoral program
Relaciones sociales, Internet, Educación mediática, Adolescentes, Riesgos