Analysis of congested schedule on competition external load in field hockey.

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RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte
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This study aimed to investigate the variation in players’ physical demands profile during a major national men field hockey tournament which consisted of 3 matches on consecutive days. Ten Spanish National League hockey players participated in the study (age: 24.2 ± 2.6 years; body mass: 74.2 ± 5.7 kg; height 176.8 ± 5.1 cm). Participants´ physical demands were monitored using global positioning system devices (SPI Elite, GPSports). Activity was categorized into total distance (m), relative total distance (m·min-1), low speed running (LSR; <15.0 km·h-1 m·min-1); moderate speed running (MSR; 15.1-18.9 km·h-1 m·min-1), high speed running (HSR; >19 km·h-1 m·min-1), sprinting relative to minute played (SR; >23.0 km·h-1 m·min-1) and number of sprints (SN; >23.0 km·h-1/ n/min). The number of acceleration and deceleration efforts were analyzed using intensity thresholds (low: 1-1.9 m·s-2 n·min-1; moderate: 2-2.9 m·s-2 n·min-1; high: >3 m·s-2 n·min-1). The data were analyzed using one-way repeated measures ANOVA coupled with magnitude-based inferences. Players reduced distance covered at moderate- and high-speed running, sprints relative minute played and the number of moderate accelerations, and moderate and high decelerations per minute played in the third match compared to the first match. The results of this investigation show that intensity activity were the most affected variables with congestion schedule

Doctoral program



External load, Load management, Physical demands, Tournament, Fatigue

