Antimicrobial efficacy of a very stable hypochlorous acid formula compared with other antiseptics used in treating wounds: in-vitro study on micro-organisms with or without biofilm.

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Journal of Hospital Infection
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Background: Many antiseptics have been used to treat wounds. Aim: To compare the microbicidal efficacy of ClHO (Clortech ) with other antiseptics used on wounds, healthy skin and mucous membranes. Methods: The microbicidal efficacy of 13 antiseptic products on eight micro-organisms (three Gram-positive; three Gram-negative; two yeasts) inoculated on organic germcarriers was studied. In addition, the loss of efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with biofilm was assessed with the six best-performing products. Findings: Chlorhexidine (1%) had the highest microbicidal effect at 1 min. At 5 min, 500 and 1500 mg/L ClHO showed similar, or better, activity than the other antiseptics studied. The ClHO concentration of 300 mg/L achieved this same efficacy at 10 min. The product that lost the most efficacy due to biofilm was 1% chlorhexidine, while 1% PVP-I and ClHO at either 300 or 500 mg/L were moderately affected by biofilm. The most effective in the presence of biofilm was ClHO at 1500 mg/L. Conclusions: ClHO at mediumelow concentrations (300 or 500 mg/L) is a good antiseptic that can be used on wounds and mucous membranes for 5e10 min. Lower concentrations of ClHO, as well as of the other antiseptics studied, were less effective or more altered by the biofilm. ClHO at a concentration of 1500 mg/L is very effective in the presence or absence of biofilm that can be used on healthy skin for 5 min.

Doctoral program



Hypochlorous acid, Antiseptics, Germ-carrier, Wound, Mucous membranes

