The impact of economic recessions on depression and individual and social well-being: The case of Spain (European Social Surveys 2006 and 2013).

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Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
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Purpose. Although there is abundant evidence about their impact of economic crises on depression and other mental health problems, little is known about the protective role of variables linked to positive functioning (i.e., psychological well-being). Methods. We analyzed data from Spain, one of the European countries most affected by the 2008-2013 economic recession, collected in Round 3 (R3, 2006) and Round 6 (R6, 2013) of the European Social Survey interviews. Both surveys included measures of psychological well-being, social well-being and depression. Both samples were nationally representative of the general population (R3: 1877 participants, 49.2% men; R6: 1889 participants, 48.9% men). Results. Data from the R6 survey showed that, compared to data gathered in R3 (i.e., before the onset of the recession), Spanish citizens showed significantly less life satisfaction (95% CIs .37 to .63), less personal optimism (95% CIs .03 to .15), less social optimism (95% CIs .75 to .85), and higher levels of depressive symptoms (95% CIs -.74 to -.19). Structural equation modeling revealed that protective factors for depression changed in both rounds. In R3 (2006), social optimism and social trust were significant mediators between well-being and depression. Yet, both buffering variables were no longer significant in R6 (2013). In R6, psychological well-being was directly related to depression with no further mediation. Conclusions. Economic crises are associated with a significant increase of depressive symptoms. Furthermore, financial crises seem to have a corrosive impact on mental health by reducing the buffering effects of positive beliefs regarding the good nature of society.

Doctoral program



Depression, Economic issues, Mental health, Population survey, Social factors, Stressful life events

