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    Risky alcohol use during youth: Impact on emotion, cognitive networks, and resting-state EEG activity.
    (Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2024) Sampedro-Piquero, Patricia; Buades-Sitjar, F.; Capilla Casco, Ana; Zancada-Menéndez, Clara; González-Baeza, Alicia; Moreno Fernández, Román Darío
    The identification of the risk factors of alcohol consumption in youths is crucial for early interventions focused on reducing harmful alcohol use. In our study, 82 college students (40 healthy control (CO group) and 42 with risky alcohol use (RAU group) determined by AUDIT questionnaire) between the ages of 18 and 25 years underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment covering emotional and cognitive functioning. Their resting-state activity was also recorded with an EEG for 10 min with their eyes open (EO) and 10 min with their eyes closed (EC) and analyzed using the Fitting Oscillations & One-Over-F (FOOOF) paradigm. After adjusting for sex, those in the RAU group had higher emotional dysregulation and impulsivity traits. The RAU girls presented more emotional regulation problems, such as dysregulation and negative urgency compared with the RAU boys. The RAU youths had significantly worse functioning in several cognitive domains, such as sustained attention, verbal memory, and executive functions. Cognitive network analysis revealed a different pattern of connections in each group showing that in the RAU group, the verbal memory domain had the highest connection with other cognitive functions. The EEG analyses did not reveal any significant differences between the CO and the RAU groups. However, we observed only in the EO condition that boys the from the RAU group displayed a higher theta/beta ratio than the RAU girls, whereas these differences were not observed within the CO group. Our findings highlight the need to explore more deeply the emotional, cognitive and brain changes underlying the RAU in young people.
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    The role of empathy in shared intentionality: Contributions from Inter-Processual Self theory.
    (Frontiers in Psychology, 2023) Luis, Elkin O.; Martínez, Martín; Akrivou, Kleio; Scalzo, Germán; Aoiz, Martín; Orón Semper, José Víctor
    Research in psychology related to the conceptualization of empathy has been on the rise in the last decades. However, we argue that there is still space for further research to help capture the important notion of empathy and its theoretical and conceptual depth. Following a critical review of the current state of the research that conceptualizes and measures empathy, we focus on works that highlight the importance of a shared vision and its relevance in psychology and neuroscience. Considering the state of the art of current neuroscientific and psychological approaches to empathy, we argue for the relevance of shared intention and shared vision in empathy-related actions. Upon review of different models that emphasize a shared vision for informing research on empathy, we suggest that a newly developed theory of self, human growth and action–the so-called Inter-Processual Self theory (IPS)–can significantly and novelly inform the theorization on empathy beyond what the literature has stated to date. Then, we show how an understanding of integrity as a relational act that requires empathy is an essential mechanism for current key research on empathy and its related concepts and models. Ultimately, we aim to present IPS as a distinctive proposal to expand upon the conceptualization of empathy.
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    Measurement of Prosocial Tendencies: Meta-Analysis of the Generalization of the Reliability of the Instrument.
    (Healthcare, 2023) Reig Aleixandre, Natalia; Esparza-Reig, Javier; Martí-Vilar, Manuel; Merino-Soto, César; Livia, José
    The Prosocial Tendencies Measure (PTM) and its revised version (PTM-R) are used internationally to measure prosocial behaviors in different life situations. To obtain accumulated evidence of the report and the reliability of its scores, a meta-analysis of the reliability of internal consistency was performed. The databases of Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus were reviewed and all the studies that applied it from 2002 to 2021 were selected. Results: Only 47.9% of the studies presented the index of reliability of PTM and PTM-R. The meta-analytic results of the reliability report of the subscales that the PTM and the PTM-R have in common were: Public 0.78 (95% CI: 0.76–0.80), Anonymous 0.80 (95% CI: 0.79–0.82), Dire 0.74 (95% CI: 0.71–0.76), and Compliant 0.71 (95% CI: 0.72–0.78). Each one of them presents high levels of heterogeneity derived from the gender of the participants (percentage of women), the continent of the population, the validation design, the incentive to participate, and the form of application. It is concluded that both versions present acceptable reliabilities to measure prosocial behavior in different groups and situations, as adolescents and young people, but their clinical use is discouraged.
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    Homework assignment and compliance review from a behavioural perspective: the verbal sequences between therapist and client.
    (Behavioral Psychology, 2023) Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Froxán Parga, María Xesús; Calero Elvira, Ana
    Therapeutic (homework) tasks are a characteristic strategy in behavioral psychology to achieve clinical change. The aim of the present study is to determine how behavioural therapists assign therapeutic tasks and review their compliance. Observational methodology was used to analyse the verbal interaction of therapists and clients in 211 recorded sessions (19 complete successful cases) using a validated coding system (SIST-INTER-INSTR). The values for inter- and intra-judge reliability were from good to excellent. The study shows that behavioural psychologists offer motivating verbalisations when assigning therapeutic tasks. During the review of task compliance, therapists frequently provide positive reinforcement when clients report complete compliance with the assigned task but stop the review of tasks when clients report non-compliance or only partial compliance with the task. These sequences provide information about how behavioural therapists provide instructions for therapeutic tasks and review their compliance. This is a first step to study how these verbal sequences favour the establishment of TC and the effectiveness of treatment.
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    Freeing the performer's mind: A network analysis of music performance anxiety, negative affect, self-consciousness and mindfulness among music performers.
    (Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2023) Lecuona, Oscar; Moreno Jiménez, Jennifer E.; Vilte, Luz Sofía; De Rivas, Sara; De la Cruz, Zulema; Rodríguez-Carvajal, Raquel
    Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a common damaging phenomenon in musicians' careers. Mindfulness stands as a promising construct to prevent MPA. However, the relationships between mindfulness and MPA are scarcely explored, alongside other relevant attention-based (e.g., self-consciousness) or emotion-based constructs (e.g., negative affect). This study explores the relationships between these constructs. A sample of 151 musicians was assessed to explore the relationships between these constructs. Self-reports of mindfulness, MPA, negative affect, and self-consciousness were applied. We implemented network analysis following a general (second-order) and specific (first-order) framework. Networks showed dispositional mindfulness as negatively associated with negative affect and MPA in both general and facet levels, while mindfulness in past performances was only negatively associated with negative affect. MPA was positively associated with negative affect and self-consciousness. Mindfulness displayed light or no associations with self-consciousness. Therefore, mindfulness seems to be a relevant construct toward MPA. We propose a preliminary model to improve mindfulness research and interventions applied to music performers. We also outline limitations and future directions.
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    Impact of environmental enrichment on the GABAergic neurons and glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus and nucleus accumbens of Wistar rats: Pro-resilient effects.
    (Brain Research Bulletin, 2023) Begega, Azucena; Jove, Claudia I.; López, Matías; Moreno Fernández, Román Darío
    The unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) model has been used to induce depressive-like symptoms in animal models. Our work aims to evaluate the impact of environmental enrichment on male Wistar rats in an animal model for depression. For this purpose, we aim to assess changes in GR and GABAergic (PV+) density in cerebral regions related to cognitive-affective processes associated with depressive disorder, such as the dorsal- ventral hippocampus and accumbens nuclei. Three groups of rats were used: UCMs (unpredictable chronic mild stress), EE+ UCMs (enrichment + stress) and CONT (behavioral tests only). Hedonic responses elicited by sucrose solution were examined by licking behavior analysis; the anxiety level was evaluated using the elevated zero maze and the forced swimming (passive coping) tests. The environmental enrichment reduced the effects of chronic stress, promoting greater resilience. Thus, the UCMs group showed an anhedonia response, more anxiety and immobility behavior than either the control or the EE+ UCMs groups. Regarding immunochemistry results, there was a reduction in GABAergic activity coupled with increased activation of GR in UCMs in the dorsal hippocampus, but there were no differences between groups in the ventral hippocampus. These results suggest environmental enrichment could enhance greater resilience, reducing the vulnerability of the subjects to develop disorders such as depression and anxiety.
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    Immersive virtual plus-maze to examine behavior and psychophysiological-related variables in young people with problematic alcohol and cannabis consumption.
    (Neurobiology of Stress, 2023) Moreno Fernández, Román Darío; García León, Daniel; Peñas, G.; Martín-Romero, R.; Buades-Sitjar, F.; Sampedro-Piquero, P.
    Stressful events appear to be risky situations that can precipitate the consumption of drugs. One way to recreate stressful contexts, in an ecological and controlled method, is through immersive virtual reality (VR). In our study, we designed the scenario of an elevated plus-maze (EPM) using VR, which is widely used in animal models to assess unconditioned anxiety. This task allowed us to analyze the behavioral, psychophysiological (heart rate and electrodermal activity), and hormonal response (salivary cortisol and Alpha-amylase) to this stressful situation in different moments (before VR task (anticipation), at the end of the task and 10 minutes later) in young people with problematic alcohol use (AU, n = 27), alcohol combined with cannabis consumption (AU + C, n = 10), as well as in a control group (CO, n = 33). Behavioral analysis revealed that the AU group displayed fewer entries into open arms than the CO group, whereas both experimental groups spent less time at the end of the open arms, as well as lower time by look down index compared to the CO group. Moreover, our VR EPM induced different psychophysiological responses in the different moments measured. In general, electrodermal activity seemed to be a good biomarker of recovery from a stressful situation, as once the exposure to the stressful situation ended, the AU + C group took longer to recover compared to the CO group. Regarding hormonal analyses, we observed a similar response pattern in all groups suggesting that our VR task was able to activate both stress systems. The alpha-amylase to cortisol ratio, proposed as a biomarker of stress systems dysregulation, was higher in the group of young participants with alcohol abuse. Interestingly, our VR EPM was able to induce a slight alcohol craving in both experimental groups. In conclusion, our results suggest certain subtle behavioral and physiological differences that could be used to detect young individuals at risk of future severe addictions or other stress-related comorbidities. Moreover, it could help us to develop prevention strategies focused on emotional, cognitive, and psychophysiological aspects.
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    Perinatal Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study.
    (Clínica y Salud, 2023) Chaves Vélez, Covadonga; Mezei, Ioana; Marchena Giráldez, Carlos Alberto; Duque, Almudena
    Few studies have shown the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on new mothers’ health, but the long-term consequences of the crisis are yet unknown. This study aimed at evaluating the changes experienced in perinatal mental health 6 months after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. Women (n = 176, average age = 33.80) were recruited during the pandemic. Participants completed the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, the Satisfaction With Life Scale and Positive, and the Negative Affect Schedule. Results showed a decrease in depressive symptoms, t(174) = 2.58, p = .01, d = 0.02, whereas anxiety symptoms remained high, t(174) = 1.31, p = .19. In terms of psychological well-being, the results showed a decrease in life satisfaction, t(175) = 2.58, p = .011, d = 0.16, and negative affect, t(175) = 3.15, p = .002, d = 0.26, and an increase in positive affect, t(175) = -4.45, p < .001, d = 0.35. This study is expected to shed light on the design of future interventions aimed at the prevention of symptoms and to enhance life satisfaction during the perinatal stage.
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    The importance of socio-affective relationships in educational contexts Validation of a closeness-conflict scale and a motivational communication scale.
    (International Journal of Educational Psychology, 2023) Bardelli, Noemí Elena; Huertas Martínez, Juan Antonio; Castillejo Ruíz, Ignacio
    In studies on the motivational classroom climate -CMC- the need to delve into socio-affective aspects that make up the pedagogical relationships -PR- between teachers and students that affect the closeness and communication is recognized. That is why this work seeks to validate the design of two evaluation instruments focused on PR (Closeness/Conflict Scale and Motivational Communicational Scale) applied to 459 students from technical secondary schools (Argentina) and establish links with the CMC as well as with the satisfaction and interest achieved in terms of the relevance of school learning. The results found prove that the two assessment scales created meet measurement guarantees, showing encouraging reliability, internal, convergent and predictive validity data. Likewise, the relationships between the Motivational Communication and Closeness scales are strong since significant correlations were found. The relationship model between communication/closeness/conflict turned out to explain the satisfaction that students perceive of their teachers, demonstrating the importance of the main determinants of PR (closeness, communication and conflict) for the CMC and contributing to the evaluation of educational interventions focused on improving the climate.
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    Social avoidance and altered hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in a mouse model of anxious depression: The role of LPA1 receptor.
    (Behavioural Brain Research, 2023) Moreno Fernández, Román Darío; Sampedro-Piquero, Patricia; Gómez-Salas, F.J.; Nieto-Quero, A.; Estivill-Torrús, G.; Rodríguez de Fonseca, F.; Santín, L.J.; Pedraza, C.
    Anxious depression is a prevalent disease with devastating consequences. Despite the lack of knowledge about the neurobiological basis of this subtype of depression, recently our group has identified a relationship between the LPA1 receptor, one of the six characterized G protein-coupled receptors (LPA1–6) for lysophosphatidic acid, with a mixed depressive-anxiety phenotype. Dysfunctional social behaviors, which have been related to increased activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, are key symptoms of depression and are even more prominent in patients with comorbid anxiety and depressive disorders. Social behavior and HPA functioning were assessed in animals lacking the LPA1 receptor. For these purposes, we first examined social behaviors in wild-type and LPA1 receptor-null mice. In addition, a dexamethasone (DEX) suppression test was carried out. maLPA1-null mice exhibited social avoidance, a blunted response to DEX administration and an impaired circadian rhythm of corticosterone levels, which are features that are consistently dysregulated in many mental illnesses including anxious depression. Here, we have strengthened the previous experimental evidence for maLPA1-null mice to represent a good animal model of anxious depression, providing an opportunity to explore new therapeutic targets for the treatment of mood disorders, particularly this subtype of depression.
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    The Electronic MentalWellness Tool as a Self-Administered Brief Screening Instrument for Mental Disorders in the General Spanish Population during the Post-COVID-19 Era.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023) Martínez-Nicolas, Ismael; Basaraba, Cale; Delgado-Gómez, David; López-Fernández, Olatz; Baca-Garcia, Enrique; Wainberg, Milton L.
    In the “post-COVID-19 era”, there is a need to focus on properly assessing and addressing the extent of its well-established mental health collateral damage. The “Electronic Mental Wellness Tool” (E-mwTool) is a 13-item validated stepped-care or stratified management instrument that aims at the high-sensitivity captures of individuals with mental health disorders to determine the need for mental health care. This study validated the E-mwTool in a Spanishspeaking population. (2) Methods: It is a cross-sectional validation study using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview as a criterion standard in a sample of 433 participants. (3) Results: About 72% of the sample had a psychiatric disorder, and 67% had a common mental disorder. Severe mental disorders, alcohol use disorders, substance use disorders, and suicide risk had a much lower prevalence rate (6.7%, 6.2%, 3.2%, and 6.2%, respectively). The first three items performed excellently in identifying any mental health disorder with 0.97 sensitivity. Ten additional items classified participants with common mental disorders, severe mental disorders, substance use disorders, and suicide risk. (4) Conclusions: The E-mwTool had high sensitivity in identifying common mental disorders, alcohol and substance use disorders, and suicidal risk. However, the tool’s sensitivity in detecting low-prevalence disorders in the sample was low. This Spanish version may be useful to detect patients at risk of mental health burden at the front line of primary and secondary care in facilitating help-seeking and referral by their physicians.
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    Parenting profiles and adult children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms: the protective role of forgiveness.
    (Current Psychology, 2023) Zhang, Qi; Enright, Robert D.; Song, Jacqueline Y.
    Early negative parenting practices have long been implicated in the etiology of internalizing and externalizing symptoms in adult children. Yet, little is known about how parenting behaviors would interact with adult children’s forgiveness toward parents in the expression of internalizing and externalizing symptoms in adulthood. Understanding the interplay between parenting and forgiveness may be crucial for identifying refined treatments in psychosocial interventions for mental health problems. The study consisted of a sample of adults (N = 287, mean age = 24.17, 74.2% female), who completed questionnaires online about their perceived parenting behaviors in childhood/adolescence, forgiveness toward their parents, and current internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Approximately 75% of the sample reported hurt caused by parental injustice. Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was used to derive maternal and paternal parenting profiles from two positive (warmth and behavioral control) and two negative (hostility and psychological control) parenting behaviors. Maternal parenting profiles and forgiveness toward mother were associated with adult children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Paternal parenting profiles were associated only with internalizing symptoms. However, adult children who experienced more positive paternal parenting had fewer externalizing symptoms compared to individuals who experienced more negative paternal parenting but only under conditions of high levels of forgiveness toward father. Results provide evidence that forgiveness toward parents may protect children from mental health issues, but also highlight the effects of paternal parenting on externalizing symptoms which may vary by individual differences in forgiveness.
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    Reorganization of Brain Networks as a Substrate of Resilience: An Analysis of Cytochrome c Oxidase Activity in Rats.
    (Neuroscience, 2023) Begega, Azucena; Cuesta López, Ignacio; Cuesta Izquierdo, Marcelino; Jove, Claudia I.; Moreno Fernández, Román Darío
    The unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) model has been used to induce depressive-like symptoms in animal models, showing adequate predictive validity. Our work aims to evaluate the effects of environmental enrichment (EE) on resilience in this experimental model of depression. We also aim to assess changes in brain connectivity using cytochrome c oxidase histochemistry in cerebral regions related to cognitive-affective processes associated with depressive disorder: dorsal hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, accumbens, and habenula nuclei. Five groups of rats were used: UCMS, EE, EE + UCMS (enrichment + stress), BG (basal level of brain activity), and CONT (behavioral tests only). We assessed the hedonic responses elicited by sucrose solution using a consumption test; the anxiety level was evaluated using the elevated zero maze test, and the unconditioned fear responses were assessed by the cat odor test. The behavioral results showed that the UCMS protocol induces elevated anhedonia and anxiety. But these responses are attenuated previous exposure to EE. Regarding brain activity, the UCMS group showed greater activity in the habenula compared to the EE + UCMS group. EE induced a functional reorganization of brain activity. The EE + UCMS and UCMS groups showed different patterns of connections between brain regions. Our results showed that EE favors greater resilience and could reduce vulnerability to disorders such as depression and anxiety, modifying metabolic brain activity.
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    Relaciones entre el deseo de control y la superstición.
    (Studies in Psychology, 2012) De Miguel Calvo, Jesús María; Martín Sanz, Noemy; Márquez Sánchez, María Oliva
    El deseo de control hace referencia a la motivación por controlar los acontecimientos que suceden en la vida cotidiana. En los últimos años han proliferado investigaciones sobre la relación entre el deseo de control y la superstición. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que las diferencias individuales en el deseo de control moderan la emergencia del pensamiento supersticioso. El objetivo de este trabajo es doble, instrumentalmente se pretende aportar evidencias de validez de la versión española de una escala de deseo de control al relacionarla con la presencia de supersticiones. Por otro lado, se pretende abordar el estudio de las relaciones entre el deseo de control y la superstición en facetas no estudiadas hasta el momento. Han participado 162 personas, 48 hombres y 114 mujeres, con una edad media de 30 años. Los resultados muestran que en una situación no amenazante, las personas con bajo deseo de control son más supersticiosas y reconocen más supersticiones que las personas con medio y alto deseo de control. Se ha encontrado que la confianza que aportan las supersticiones parece ser la causa por la que las personas las utilizan, frente a la buena suerte o la protección.
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    Cognitive versus emotional modulation within a Stroop paradigm in patients with schizophrenia.
    (BJPsych Open, 2023) Romero-Ferreiro, Verónica; García-Gutiérrez, Ana; Torio, Iosune; Marí Beffa, Paloma; Rodríguez-Gómez, Pablo; Periáñez, José A.; Moreno, Eva M.; Romero Ferreiro, Carmen; Alvarez-Mon, Miguel Ángel; Rodríguez Jiménez, Roberto
    Background Schizophrenia is a complex disorder involving deficits in both cognitive and emotional processes. Specifically, a marked deficit in cognitive control has been found, which seems to increase when dealing with emotional information. Aims With the aim of exploring the possible common links behind cognitive and emotional deficits, two versions of the emotional Stroop task were administered. Method In the cognitive-emotional task, participants had to name the ink colour (while ignoring the meaning) of emotional words. In contrast, the emotional-emotional task consisted of emotional words superimposed on emotional faces, and the participants had to indicate the emotional valence of the faces. Fifty-eight participants (29 in-patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and 29 controls) took part in the study. Results Patients and controls showed similar response times in the cognitive-emotional task; however, patients were significantly slower than controls in the emotional-emotional task. This result supports the idea that patients show a more pronounced impairment in conflict modulation with emotional content. Besides, no significant correlations between the tasks and positive or negative symptoms were found. This would indicate that deficits are relatively independent of the clinical status of patients. However, a significant correlation between the emotional-emotional task and cognitive symptoms was found. Conclusions These findings suggest a restricted capacity of patients with schizophrenia to deal with the attentional demands arising from emotional stimuli.
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    Problematic Internet Use among Adults: A Cross-Cultural Study in 15 Countries.
    (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023) López-Fernández, Olatz; Romo, Lucía; Kern, Laurence; Rousseau, Amélie; Kuss, Daria J.
    Abstract: Background: The present study compared adult usage patterns of online activities, the frequency rate of problematic internet use (PIU), and risk factors (including the psychopathology associated with PIU, i.e., distress and impulsivity) among adults in 15 countries from Europe, America, and Asia. Methods: A total of 5130 adults from Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Hungary, Poland, UK, Norway, Peru, Canada, US, and Indonesia completed an online survey assessing PIU and a number of psychological variables (i.e., depression, anxiety, stress, and impulsivity). The sample included more females, with a mean age of 24.71 years (SD = 8.70). Results: PIU was slightly lower in European countries (rates ranged from 1.1% in Finland to 10.1% in the UK, compared to 2.9% in Canada and 10.4% in the US). There were differences in specific PIU rates (e.g., problematic gaming ranged from 0.4% in Poland to 4.7% in Indonesia). Regression analyses showed that PIU was predicted by problematic social networking and gaming, lack of perseverance, positive urgency, and depression. Conclusions: The differences in PIU between countries were significant for those between continental regions (Europe versus non-European countries). One of the most interesting findings is that the specific PIU risks were generally low compared to contemporary literature. However, higher levels of PIU were present in countries outside of Europe, although intra-European differences existed.
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    The Relationship between Binge Drinking and Binge Eating in Adolescence and Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) Sampedro-Piquero, Patricia; Zancada-Menéndez, Clara; Bernabeu Brotons, Elena; Moreno Fernández, Román Darío
    Adolescence and youth are critical periods in which alcohol consumption is usually initiated, especially in the form of binge drinking. In recent years, it is increasingly common to find adolescents and young people who also present binge behaviors towards unhealthy food with the aim of alleviating their anxiety (emotional eating) and/or because of impulsive personality. Despite the social and health relevance of this issue, it remains scarcely studied and more preventive research needs to be developed. Our meta-analysis study aimed to evaluate the relationship and co-occurrence of both binge behaviors during adolescence and young adulthood to clarify the link between binge drinking and eating. Selective literature search on different online databases was performed. We identified discrete but significant results regarding the direct association between binge drinking and binge eating in correlation coefficients and odds ratio. Future research should focus on the common psychological background and motives behind these problematic behaviors owing to their clinical implications for effective prevention and treatment.
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    Tendiendo puentes: el concepto de perdón de Enright y la teoría mimética de René Girard.
    (Dykinson, 2023) González Sosa, Isabel; Barahona Plaza, Ángel; Bonete Román, Saray; Molinero Caparrós, Clara
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    Perdón interpersonal: validación del Enright Forgiveness Inventory (EFI-30) en una muestra española.
    (Anales de Psicología, 2023) Kasprzak, Agata; Martínez-Díaz, Pilar; Molinero Caparrós, Clara; Enright, Roberth
    Antecedentes: Diversos estudios demuestran la relevancia del perdón interpersonal tras una ofensa para mejorar la salud y el bienestar. A pesar de su importancia, es evidente la falta de instrumentos de evaluación del perdón adaptados al contexto español. El Enright Forgiveness Inventory (EFI-30) es el instrumento que operacionaliza uno de los modelos teóricos más asentados y reconocidos en el área del perdón a nivel mundial. El objetivo del presente estudio es adaptar el EFI-30 a la población española y revisar suspropiedades psicométricas. Método: 426 estudiantes de grado y máster (98 hombres y 328 mujeres) con edades entre 18 y 30 años (M = 21.24; DE = 2.91), completaron el EFI-30 tras su adaptación, así como Transgression Related Interpersonal Motivations Inventory (TRIM-18), Remedial Strategies Scale (RSS) y Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Resultados: El Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio indicó buen ajuste a la estructura original de seis factores (CFI = .91, TLI = .90, IFI = .91, RMSEA = .067). La fiabilidad de las subescalas y del instrumento general fue buena, similar a la versión original. Los resultados mostraron adecuada validez convergente y de criterio. Conclusiones: EFI-30 muestra adecuadas propiedades psicométricas en un contexto español, siendo una medida apropiada para evaluar el perdón interpersonal de una ofensa especifica en al ámbito de la investigación e intervención clínica.
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    Emotional Dysfunction and Interoceptive Challenges in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
    (Behavioral Sciences, 2023) Bonete Román, Saray; Molinero Caparrós, Clara; Ruisanchez, Daniela
    People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) frequently show impaired sensory processing in different senses, including the interoceptive system. Recent findings suggest that interoception is a fundamental component of emotional experience and that impaired interoception is associated with alexithymia. This study aims to explore the association and interrelation between interoceptive confusion, alexithymia, and the capacity for emotional regulation among a sample of 33 adults with ASD compared to a control group of 35 adults with neurotypical development and its mutual impact. The participants answered a series of questionnaires addressing these three variables. The results showed (1) significant differences between the groups in all dimensions, with dysfunctional emotional regulation, impaired interoception, and alexithymia in the ASD group, (2) significant correlations between interoceptive confusion, emotional clarity, and alexithymia in the ASD group but only positive correlations between interoceptive confusion and alexithymia in the CG, and (3) that emotional clarity, alexithymia, and autism explain 61% of the variance in interoceptive confusion. These results are in line with previous studies and suggest that training interoceptive ability may enhance emotional clarity and reduce alexithymia among those diagnosed with ASD, with significant implications in the planning of treatment.