Díaz Ureña, Germán

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Díaz Ureña



Ciencias de la Salud



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  • Item
    Effect of an Individualised Training Programme on Hamstrings and Change Direction Based on Tensiomyography in Football Players.
    (Applied Sciences, 2022) Fernández Baeza, Daniel; Díaz Ureña, Germán; González-Millán, Cristina
    The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of an individual training programme based on the tensiomyography results in the contractile properties of the knee flexor muscle with football players. Thirty-four subjects were recruited and assigned to an experimental (EG) or control group (CG). The contraction time and the muscle displacement measured by tensiomyography were assessed on two occasions: pre-time (middle of the competitive season, January) and posttime 8 weeks later. The training programme aimed to improve muscle tone and explosiveness according to the individual needs of each player. There was a significant interaction between time (assessment points) group (EG vs. CG) muscle in multivariate analysis. The findings confirmed that mechanical and neuromuscular characteristics changed over time and varied with the individual training programme (EG vs. CG) and the muscle being analysed. The 90 change of direction worsens the execution time in the control group and is maintained in the experimental group. The individual training programme, based on the tensiomyography results, showed improvements in the contractile properties in the muscles. Football coaches could use the programme to improve neuromuscular characteristics that improve performance and reduce the risk of muscle injury.
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    Adherencia a hábitos saludables y Rendimiento Académico en estudiantes de Formación Profesional.
    (Retos, 2021) López Nuevo, Carlos Enrique; Sánchez Molina, Joaquín; Díaz Ureña, Germán
    The purpose of the present cross-sectional study was to analyze the relationship between adherence to healthy lifestyles and academic performance in students of different Vocational Education and Training (VET) degrees. Methods: 55 Vocational Education students´ from the Animation and Physical-Sports Activities Course (n 28) and from Dental Pathology and the Prosthetic Anatomy courses (DPPA) (n 27), were analyzed through the G-PAQ and the KIDMED questionnaires, to asess their adherence to Physical Activity and to Mediterranean diet. In addition, anthropometric dataand academic qualifications were correlated. Results: APSA students scored significantly higher in Mediterranean diet adherence, as well as in the number of minutes of vigorous and moderate intensity aerobic exercise. DPPA students obtained significantly higher values in sedentary activities. No significant differences were found in the academic performance of both groups. Conclusion: the practice of PA was positively correlated with a greater adherence to Mediterranean diet. This fact entails a factor of prevention of cardiovascular and metabolic disease in the future. Thus, the implementation of nutritional education and PA programs for VET students is suggested.
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    A criação de histórias como recurso didático na educação universitária.
    (Dykinson, 2022) Matos Duarte, Michelle; Moreno Heredero, Berta; Gutiérrez Hellín, Jorge; Díaz Ureña, Germán; Berlanga, L. A.
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    Embodied Learning for Well-Being, Self-Awareness, and Stress Regulation: A Randomized Trial with Engineering Students Using a Mixed-Method Approach.
    (Education Sciences, 2022) Rodríguez-Jiménez, Rosa María; Carmona, Manuel; García Merino, Sonia; Díaz Ureña, Germán; Lara Bercial, Pedro J.
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    Differences in the Contractile Properties of the Biceps Femoris and Semitendinosus Muscles Throughout a Season in Professional Soccer Players.
    (Journal of Human Kinetics, 2022) Fernández Baeza, Daniel; Díaz Ureña, Germán; González Millán, Cristina
    The aim of this study was to monitor seasonal changes in the mechanical and neuromuscular characteristics of the knee flexor muscles with tensiomyography, the biceps femoris (BF) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles, of 27 soccer players. All male professional soccer players (age 25 ± 4 years) were measured at the beginning of the preseason (second week) and in the competitive season (10 weeks later). The variables contraction time (Tc) and muscle displacement (Dm) showed significant differences in some muscles, and in others they indicated a tendency to change. In general, the BF improved (more explosive and better muscle tone) and the ST worsened (slower and worse muscle tone) its values during the season. The findings of this study suggest that usual daily soccer training and weekly competition might produce antagonistic changes between the knee flexor muscles.