Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina

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Ruiz Alberdi



Educación y Psicología



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    Educación y Comunicación para un mundo Sostenible. Los riesgos de la espectacularización de la docencia.
    (Fragua, 2023) Musicco Nombela, Daniela; Gato Bermúdez, María José; Rangel Pérez, Celia; Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina
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    Women´s Role in the Social Action of the Catholic Church.
    (Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Istorie, 2021) De la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Miró López, Susana; Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina
    This study proposes a look at the role of women in the social action of the Catholic Church from an approach to her Social Doctrine, a recognition of women founders of welfare congregations and two intellectuals socially committed to their time (Concepción Arenal and Edith Stein). Finally, we recover the concept of social conscience in the 21st century, from the gospel message and the participation of women in the Church, posed as solidarity in a care economy.
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    Las virtudes en el proyecto educativo del padre Manjón.
    (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2014) Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina
    El padre Manjón (1846-1923) fue un sacerdote católico, humilde y prudente. La cátedra de Derecho Canónico en la Universidad de Granada y su fundación de las Escuelas del Ave María le permitieron conocer los dos espacios educativos, el escolar y el universitario. El objetivo que nos proponemos en este artículo es analizar su obra: “El maestro mirando hacia dentro”, donde el padre Manjón nos muestra al maestro virtuoso y ejemplar, fundamento de su proyecto educativo hacia el encuentro personal docente-discente.
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    Retos virales: Análisis del impacto de TikTok para los vínculos familiares.
    (Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2022) Ibáñez Ayuso, María José; Limón Mendizábal, María Rosario; Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina
    La profunda imbricación de las pantallas y de las redes sociales en la familia afecta a la labor educativa que se realiza en su seno. Este artículo explora los riesgos antropológicos que puede conllevar para la relación materno-paterno-filial la realización acrítica de distintas modas online. Para ello, se realiza un estudio de casos sobre once retos de la red social TikTok, que involucran a padres e hijos a través de una investigación de corte cualitativo retrospectivo, que combina la etnografía virtual con el análisis de contenido temático. Los distintos desafíos fueron codificados en cinco categorías. Los hallazgos se analizan desde un enfoque estadístico y, a continuación, se realiza un análisis interpretativo. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la facilidad con la que los dispositivos digitales pueden fomentar la pérdida de la diferencia simbólica entre generaciones afectando profundamente a elementos educativos propios de la institución familiar como la autoridad moral, los límites o la acogida incondicional; elementos que en conclusión resultan imprescindibles para que los hijos hallen en el seno familiar un lugar seguro desde el que comenzar a construir su identidad personal.
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    The "Bolivarian revolution" of Venezuela within the framework of post-comunism and post-democracy (1998-2019).
    (Analele Universitatii din Craiova. Istorie, 2019) Rodríguez Legendre, Fidel; Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina
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    The Massive Implementation of ICT in Universities and Its Implications for Ensuring SDG 4: Challenges and Difficulties for Professors.
    (Sustainability, 2021) Rangel Pérez, Celia; Gato Bermúdez, María José; Musicco Nombela, Daniela; Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina
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    El rol del profesor universitario ante el nuevo paradigma educativo post pandemia COVID-19: amenazas y oportunidades.
    (Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Filosofie, 2021) Musicco Nombela, Daniela; Gato Bermúdez, María José; Rangel Pérez, Celia; Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina
    The year 2020 will go down in the history of pedagogy as the year in which, due to the pandemic, face-to-face teaching had to be replaced by a virtual type of education, a new paradigm that is consolidating for the future. Given this milestone, this work undertakes a review of texts that appeared internationally between March and September 2020 about the massive adoption of e-learning imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. An exploratory study is also carried out through a validated questionnaire, to which an open question was added to teachers from 25 Spanish, public and private Universities, to study the perception of university teachers in the face of this educational fact and their possible challenges, fears, and expectations; the place that ICTs occupy in their pedagogical model and the way in which their teaching role has been compromised. The results show us, on the one hand, the enormous possibilities provided by the implementation of e-learning at the university level with a great desire for improvement on behalf the teachers, although, on the other hand, in some variables they show certain skepticism and concern. Differences in sex and age are also relevant. Faced with this new situation, university teachers expressed contradictory feelings of acceptance and frustration.
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    La nueva modalidad de tutoría online universitaria como herramienta de encuentro entre el profesor y estudiante.
    (Octaedro, 2021) Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina; Gato Bermúdez, M.J.; Rangel Pérez, C.; Musicco Nombela, Daniela
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    El perdón y la misericordia como condiciones de posibilidad de la paz desde diferentes enseñanzas. Propuesta de intervención educativa en la asignatura de responsabilidad social.
    (Analele Universitatii din Craiova, 2019) Ruiz Alberdi, Cristina; Alcalá Recuero, Jesús
    Pope Francis, over the years has traveled, especially, seeking reconciliation among peoples and raising the voice for the most disadvantaged and excluded. The Pope's message is one of forgiveness, reconciliation and compassion, because the Mercy of God is the hope of the world and will always be greater than our sins. Before the urgent call of Pope Francis to mercy and forgiveness we must think of young people as the witnesses of future generations who are the hope of the world. Education, according to Francisco, must be a generator of hope and considers that the role of an educator is that of a mother and a father who transmit a life full of future; hence the need for the inclusion of knowledge of the path of forgiveness towards peace in the educational task. The objective of this work is to transmit the teachings of the Pope to young people, through an educational intervention. To expand the search we have used two explanatory models of forgiveness, one exclusively focused on the teachings of Pope Francis, another, with a non-denominational nuance addressed to all people, regardless of their religious beliefs and ideas, based on the work of Gianfranco Testa, founder of the University of Perdón of Turin; In this model, Francisco's teachings have been treated as those of one more author along with other experts in the subject. The intervention was developed within the subject of Social Responsibility, second year of the degrees of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Physiotherapy of the Francisco de Vitoria University of Madrid (Spain). As a resource has been used to view different scenes of films in which characters and scenes are presented full of emotion and meaning in relation to the concepts developed.