Sáinz López, Vanesa

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Sáinz López



Educación y Psicología



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    Diseño y Validación de los Cuestionarios de Representaciones de Justicia Social para Estudiantes de Educación Secundaria (CRJSES) y para Profesores (CRJSP).
    (Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 2020) Sáinz López, Vanesa; Jacott, Liliana
    Se describe el proceso de construcción y validación de dos instrumentos destinados a evaluar las representaciones que estudiantes y profesorado tienen sobre la Justicia Social desde una perspectiva que toma en cuenta las tres dimensiones propuestas por Nancy Fraser (2008) de Redistribución, Reconocimiento y Representación/Participación. Para ello, se han elaborado el Cuestionario de Representaciones de Justicia Social para Estudiantes de Educación Secundaria (CRJSES) y el Cuestionario de Representaciones de Justicia Social para Profesores (CRJSP). El CRJSES consta de 30 preguntas en formato de dilemas, presentando 10 preguntas de cada una de las dimensiones de Justicia Social. El CRJSP tiene 39 preguntas, incluyendo 9 dilemas adicionales sobre temas relacionados con la Justicia Social en el ámbito educativo. En todas las preguntas se plantea un dilema con tres opciones de respuesta que plantean distintos grados de justicia social (alto, medio y bajo). Los instrumentos han seguido un doble proceso de validación: una validación de jueces expertos y un estudio piloto que ha sido aplicado a 130 profesores en formación. Los resultados indican que los dos instrumentos presentan una validez y fiabilidad adecuadas para evaluar las representaciones de Justicia Social de estudiantes de Educación Secundaria y docentes.
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    What Do Secondary Education Students Understand About Social Justice? Students Representations of Social Justice in Different Regions of Spain.
    (Interchange, 2020) Sáinz López, Vanesa; Jacott, Liliana
    This quantitative empirical research analyses secondary school students’ representations of social justice in different regions of Spain. ‘Social Justice Representation Questionnaire- SJRQ’ has been designed and implemented to conduct an empirical analysis of Social Justice in the field of education. This instrument is based on the three dimensional model of social justice (redistribution, recognition and representation). Participants of this study were 3229 secondary education students from 12 to 21 years old. The participants belong to 20 public schools in five Autonomous Communities of Spain. This study aims to determine how the concept of social justice develops in secondary education students of different educational levels and whether gender is a relevant variable. The results confirm that social justice representations of secondary education students follow a developmental trend because students of upper educational levels have a closer vision to social justice. Also, females manifest a greater predisposition towards social justice than males. This study confirm that SJRQ is a useful tool to train Social Justice oriented citizens and to develop training programs adapted to different understanding levels.
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    The importance of prevention programs to reduce bullying: A comparative study.
    (Frontiers in Psychology, 2023) Sáinz López, Vanesa; Martín Moya, Beatriz
    Bullying is a growing and increasingly worrying phenomenon. In recent years, a number of different bullying prevention programs have been implemented to create a more positive school environment. This paper offers a description of these prevention programs, focussing on the three most commonly implemented in schools: TEI, KiVa and Mediation Teams. A qualitative, descriptive and comparative analysis was made using semi-structured interviews with tutors, coordinators and experts at nine schools, three schools for each of the programs. The results show that these bullying prevention programs help raise awareness of this problem within the entire school community, improving the school environment and reducing conflict and instances of bullying. Overall, participating schools reported being highly satisfied with the results of these programs and it is therefore important to consider the mandatory implementation of bullying prevention programs in all schools.
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    Acoso escolar y TEA.
    (Dykinson, 2021) Íñigo Martínez, Alma María; Sáinz López, Vanesa; Martín Martínez, Laura; Vela Llaurado, Esther
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    Hacia un nuevo modelo de Justicia Social en Educación.
    (Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Filozofie, 2019) Sáinz López, Vanesa
    From an approach based on human development, cosmopolitan citizenship, and development of capabilities, a model of Social Justice is proposed in the field of education. It is intended to clarify its definition as well as the most important means and ends to achieve Social Justice. This will be obtained through redistribution of resources, goods and capabilities; recognition of diversity; and representation or active participation of all citizens. These are proposed as the main means or dimensions of Social Justice, to reach the development of all capabilities of the human being, personal and community wellness and formation of Social Justice-oriented citizens, pursuing development of human dignity as the final goal.
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    Aprendamos a mirar. Estudio de caso desde un aula hospitalaria.
    (Dykinson, 2021) Rodríguez Velasco, Javier; Antolín Martín, María Luisa; Sáinz López, Vanesa
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    Evaluation of a blended learning model for pre-service teachers.
    (Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 2020) Martín Martínez, Laura; Sáinz López, Vanesa; Rodríguez Legendre, Fidel
    This study aims to determine the predictive factors for effective teaching in blended learning contexts. A Blended Learning Evaluation Scale was devised. The participants were 145 first-year students studying for education degrees using a blended learning model. An exploratory factorial analysis revealed five factors for establishing a good model of blended teaching and learning: student expectations on their learning subjects, the use of web 2.0 tools, feedback from teachers, collaborative work among fellow classmates, and the social relations among students themselves and with their professors.
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    Impact of the TEI Peer Tutoring Program on Coexistence, Bullying and Cyberbullying in Spanish Schools.
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023) Sáinz López, Vanesa; Soto García, O´Hara; Calmaestra, Juan; Maldonado, Antonio
    The TEI peer tutoring program (in Spanish, Tutoría entre Iguales, hereinafter TEI ) is Spain’s most important coexistence program for the prevention of violence and bullying in secondary schools and one of the first worldwide. So that we may better appreciate the effectiveness and benefits of this program, a comparative study has been developed between four schools that are presently following this preventive strategy (TEI centres) and four other schools that do not carry out the TEI program (non-TEI centres). Controlling the other sociodemographic variables, students’ perception of coexistence, bullying and cyberbullying has been evaluated. In total, 1015 secondary school students belonging to eight schools from four autonomous communities in Spain participated. The results reveal that the students of TEI centres have a more favourable perception of educational coexistence and indicate lower rates of bullying and cyberbullying than those studying at non-TEI centres. These results highlight the benefits of the TEI program and the need to continue promoting and expanding these preventing bullying strategies in schools.
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    Los beneficios del vínculo afectivo con animales en niños de Educación Infantil.
    (Dykinson, 2019) Herreros Rodríguez, Irene; Sáinz López, Vanesa