Urine Caffeine Concentration in Doping Control Samples from 2004 to 2015.
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The ergogenic effect of caffeine is well-established, but the extent of its consumption in
sport is unknown at the present. The use of caffeine was considered “prohibited” until 2004, but this
stimulant was moved from the List of Prohibited Substances to the Monitoring Program of the
World Anti-Doping Agency to control its use by monitoring urinary caffeine concentration after
competition. However, there is no updated information about the change in the use of caffeine as the
result of its inclusion in the Monitoring Program. The aim of this study was to describe the changes
in urine caffeine concentration from 2004 to 2015. A total of 7488 urine samples obtained in official
competitions held in Spain and corresponding to athletes competing in Olympic sports (2788 in 2004,
2543 in 2008, and 2157 in 2015) were analyzed for urine caffeine concentration. The percentage of
samples with detectable caffeine (i.e., >0.1 g/mL) increased from ~70.1%, in 2004–2008 to 75.7% in
2015. The median urine caffeine concentration in 2015 (0.85 g/mL) was higher when compared to
the median value obtained in 2004 (0.70 g/mL; p < 0.05) and in 2008 (0.70 g/mL; p < 0.05). The urine
caffeine concentration significantly increased from 2004 to 2015 in aquatics, athletics, boxing, judo,
football, weightlifting, and rowing (p < 0.05). However, the sports with the highest urine caffeine
concentration in 2015 were cycling, athletics, and rowing. In summary, the concentration of caffeine in
the urine samples obtained after competition in Olympic sports in Spain increased from 2004 to 2015,
particularly in some disciplines. These data indicate that the use of caffeine has slightly increased
since its removal from the list of banned substances, but urine caffeine concentrations suggest that
the use of caffeine is moderate in most sport specialties. Athletes of individual sports or athletes of
sports with an aerobic-like nature are more prone to using caffeine in competition.
Doctoral program
Pharmacokinetics, Energy drink, Exercise, Elite athlete