Nutritional habits in Spanish female students of childbearing age.

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Journal of King Saud University - Science
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Aim To analyse the dietary habits, alcohol consumption, healthy eating index and student performance of a sample of students at a Spanish university to determine if their intake of nutrients reach optimal levels for fertility. Methods Descriptive cross-sectional study of female university students in Madrid, data were collected in Nutrition classes. Participants were 470 women nursing studying at a private university in Madrid, non-random sample was used. An AUDIT test was conducted to determine alcohol consumption. Habits and dietary assessment with a three-day record using DIAL® program to know main nutrients intake. Quantitative variables appeared as mean ± standard deviation, adjusted for all pairwise comparisons using the Bonferroni correction Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 25®. Results The majority of the Spanish university women of reproductive age participating in the study did not have the recommended intake of some macro and micronutrients carbohydrates, vitamins D and B9, Mg, Fe, and I. Conclusions This study opens further lines of research. It is necessary to carry out qualitative research into students’ self-perception and their dietary and sleeping habits. Addressing ways to improve food access, dietary quality, and healthy lifestyle, should be focused on future intervention programs and policies for college students.

Doctoral program



Women, Spanish university students, Childbearing age, Nutrients, Sleep
