Santos Tejedor, Cruz

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Santos Tejedor



Ciencias Experimentales



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    Grape Polyphenols to Arrest in Vitro Proliferation of Human Leukemia Cells: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
    (Food Reviews International, 2022) García Martínez, Daniel Jesús; Calzada Funes, Javier; Martín Saborido, Carlos; Santos Tejedor, Cruz
    Leukemia is a heterogeneous group of hemopoietic cancers, which accounts for 2.6% of new cases per year of total cancer incidence worldwide. Grapes and grape-derived products, such as grape juice, are naturally rich in polyphenols, bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties. Certain polyphenols have been proved to alter oxidative balance, both in inducing apoptosis in cancer cells and in preventing cancer development via controlling oxidative stress. To assess the therapeutic potential of grape polyphenols in the treatment of leukemia, a systematic review and meta-analysis of the reported data on leukemia was carried out. Following the PRISMA guide, a literature review of published papers on leukemia and polyphenols from the last 50 years was conducted, and 17 scientific articles published from 2002 to 2017 were included in the study. Resveratrol 50 μM had the highest growth inhibition effect (67%) followed by quercetin (30%). The results also point to a differential effect of polyphenols based on cell lineage; monocytes- and myelocytic-derived cell lines are the most susceptible, with a mean of 85% and 64% proliferation inhibition, respectively. Moreover, results show that growth inhibition cannot be associated with a molecular effect of polyphenols on the cell cycle arrest.
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    The High Content of Quercetin and Catechin in Airen Grape Juice Supports Its Application in Functional Food Production.
    (Foods, 2021) García Martínez, Daniel; Arroyo-Hernández, María; Posada Ayala, María; Santos Tejedor, Cruz
    Ensuring healthy lives and well-being constitutes one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 agenda. Consequently, research into how natural products may promote health is essential for the new generation of nutraceuticals and functional foods that are in high demand today. Grape juice is a natural foodstuff composed of water, sugars, minerals, vitamins and a wide array of polyphenols. Polyphenols are bioactive compounds of great interest due to their antioxidant properties and benefits to health, supporting antimicrobial, anti-aging, and anticarcinogenic activity. The majority of grape juice produced in the world is used for the production of wine, although a small part is used in the food industry, mainly in baby food and sports drinks. The aim of this work is to determine the polyphenol content in the natural and concentrated juice of Airen grapes, the main white grape variety produced in Spain. For this, fresh juices from five grape varietals (Airen, Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztraminer, Verdejo and Tempranillo) and concentrated Airen juice were analyzed and compared. Results showed similar contents of phenolic acids and stilbenes in all grape varietals studied, although the Airen variety demonstrated a higher concentration of two flavonoids: quercetin and catechin. It can be concluded that the grape juice concentration process negatively affects the stability of these compounds, causing a reduction in the polyphenol content that ranges between 54–71%, with the exception of quercetin and catechin.
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    The homozygous R504C mutation in MTO1 gene is responsible for ONCE syndrome
    (Clinical Genetics, 2016) Martín, Miguel Ángel; García Silva, María Teresa; Barcia, Giulia; Delmiro, Aitor; Rodríguez García, María Elena; Blázquez, Alberto; Francisco-Álvarez, R.; Martín Hernández, Elena; Quijada Fraile, Pilar; Tejada Palacios, Pilar; Arenas, Joaquín; Santos Tejedor, Cruz; Martínez Azorín, Francisco
    We report clinical and biochemical finding from three unrelated patients presenting ONCE (Optic Neuropathy, Cardiomyopathy and Encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency) syndrome. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) of the three patients and the healthy sister of one of them was used to identify the carry gene. Clinical and biochemical findings were used to filter variants, and molecular, in silico and genetic studies were performed to characterize the candidate variants. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) defects involving mutations, deletions or depletion were discarded, whereas WES uncovered a double homozygous mutation in the MTO1 gene (NM_001123226:c.1510C>T, p.R504C, and c.1669G>A, p.V557M) in two of the patients and the homozygous mutation p.R504C in the other. Therefore, our data confirm p.R504C as pathogenic mutation responsible of ONCE syndrome, and p.V557M as a rare polymorphic variant.
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    Molecular Characterization of indigenous yeast strains isolated from Ribera de Duero Spanish wineries
    (2011-06-15) Santos Tejedor, Cruz; Baselga Carretero, Ignacio; Pérez Lago, Estela
    Curso (2010/2011). Ponencia realizada además de los autores mencionados, por: De la Orden E., Francisco Álvarez R., Igleisas M., Rodriguez-Tarduchy G.
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    A PD-L1/EGFR bispecific antibody combines immune checkpoint blockade and direct anti-cancer action for an enhanced anti-tumor response.
    (OncoImmunology, 2023) Rubio Pérez, Laura; Lázaro-Gorines, Rodrigo; Harwood, Seandean L.; Santos Tejedor, Cruz
    Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) with antibodies has shown durable clinical responses in a wide range of cancer types, but the overall response rate is still limited. Other effective therapeutic modalities to increase the ICB response rates are urgently needed. New bispecific antibody (bsAb) formats combining the ICB effect and a direct action on cancer cells could improve the efficacy of current immunotherapies. Here, we report the development of a PD-L1/EGFR symmetric bsAb by fusing a dual-targeting tandem trimmer body with the human IgG1 hinge and Fc regions. The bsAb was characterized in vitro and the antitumor efficacy was evaluated in humanized mice bearing xenografts of aggressive triple-negative breast cancer and lung cancer. The IgG-like hexavalent bsAb, designated IgTT-1E, was able to simultaneously bind both EGFR and PD-L1 antigens, inhibit EGF-mediated proliferation, effectively block PD-1/PD-L1 interaction, and induce strong antigen-specific antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity activity in vitro. Potent therapeutic efficacies of IgTT-1E in two different humanized mouse models were observed, where tumor growth control was associated with a significantly increased proportion of CD8+ T cells. These results support the development of IgTT-1E for the treatment of EGFR+ cancers.
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    Dichotomous colorectal cancer behaviour.
    (Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 2023) Aljama, Sara; Pérez Lago, Estela; Zafra Amorós, Olga; Sierra Isturiz, Javier; Simón, Diana; Santos Tejedor, Cruz; Rodriguez Pascual, Jesus; García Romero, Noemí
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common malignant tumor and one of the deadliest cancers. At molecular level, CRC is a heterogeneous disease that could be divided in four Consensus Molecular Subtypes. Given the differences in the disease due to its anatomical location (proximal and distal colon), another classification should be considered. Here, we review the current knowledge on CRC dichotomic´s behaviour based on two different entities; right and left-sided tumors, their impact on clinical trial data, microbiota spatial composition and the interaction with the nervous system. We discuss recent advances in understanding how the spatial tumor heterogeneity influences the tumor growth, progression, and responses to current therapies
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    Anti-Protein-Arginine Deiminase 4 IgG and IgA Delineate Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis.
    (Diagnostics, 2022) Martínez Prat, Laura; Martinez-Taboada, Victor; Santos Tejedor, Cruz; Lopez-Hoyos, Marcos; Mahler, Michael
    There is a strong need for biomarkers of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in all phases of the patient’s journey and to enable the implementation of precision medicine strategies to improve patient care. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of anti-protein-arginine deiminase (PAD) 4 IgG and IgA in the sera of RA patients and disease controls, and to investigate their association with joint erosion and biological treatment use. Sera from 104 RA and 155 controls were tested for the presence of anti-PAD4 IgG and IgA using a new particle-based multi-analyte technology (PMAT). Information on the erosive disease and biological treatment use was available for 54 of the RA patients, who were also tested for anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA). An association between the autoantibodies and these clinical features was investigated. Anti-PAD4 showed sensitivity and specificity values of 25.0% and 94.2% for IgG and of 21.2% and 94.8% for IgA for RA, respectively. The levels of these antibodies were also significantly higher in RA patients vs. controls, in erosive RA vs. non-erosive disease, and in patients under biologics vs. patients that were not on this treatment regimen. The anti-PAD4 IgG and IgA levels were correlated (rho = 0.60, p < 0.0001), but individuals that were positive for only one of the two isotypes were also observed. Anti-PAD4 IgG and IgA are associated with severe RA, and they represent valuable biomarkers for prognosis prediction and patient stratification.